ABC COLUMBIA –South Carolina’s capital is more than 5,000 miles away from Kiev Ukraine, but what is happening overseas could impact us here at home. That’s according to two South Carolina lawmakers who were at the USC School of Law speaking on the Russian invasion of Ukraine at a roundtable discussion. “What we have is a choice, rule by law or rule by gun,” said Rep. Joe Wilson. That’s how the congressman described fighting Russian aggression against the Ukraine. It’s a fight that could have a new participant in the form of China. “If the Chinese begin to be the safety net for Putin, we need to begin to impose sanctions on China. All the sanctions we’ve put in place have had an effect on the Russian economy. We’re going to have to crush the economy to get an outcome here,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham. Graham says he is not for American troops to be sent to Ukraine but believes more military support is necessary in the form of aircraft. “The 28 MiG 29s that would go into Ukraine to be flown by Ukrainian pilots would make a difference in controlling the skies,” Graham said. He adds that if Putin turns to chemical warfare, he would support a no fly zone over the Ukraine. “If they use chemical weapons on the Ukrainian people, that destroys the international regime we’ve created about banning chemical weapons,” Graham said. “So are we all talk or do we believe in what we say we do?”