UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SCHOOL OF LAW — University of Oregon School of Law’s 2021 graduates achieved a 92% employment rate as of March 2022. That overall employment rate is the best outcome for any class since the class of 2007. Out of the students employed, nearly 92% reported obtaining full-time, long-term jobs that require bar passage or for which having a JD degree offered an advantage. “I am thrilled by the success of our graduates and the extraordinary support from our career center team and the entire Oregon Law community,” Marcilynn A. Burke, Oregon Law Dean and Dave Frohnmayer Chair in Leadership and Law, said. “This passionate group of new lawyer leaders will make positive changes in our world.” Oregon Law graduates found positions in a wide range of employment settings. Out of the 118 employed graduates from 2021’s class, 56 landed at private law firms, which was the top area of employment. They work across the nation in law firms of all sizes. They also serve as judicial clerks in federal and state courts. And they found opportunities in the business, education, public interest, and government sectors.