UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COLLEGE OF LAW — In February of 2020, the University of Iowa College of Law reinstated the Iowa Law Faculty Fellowship. The program provides scholars and teachers with research opportunities, faculty mentoring, and career development, with the goal of increasing diversity in the legal profession. Iowa Law has successfully hired two fellows over the past two years and is in the process of hiring a third fellow to join the faculty in fall 2022.  “We are delighted that we could restart the Faculty Fellow program after almost 20 years,” stated Adrien Wing, associate dean for International and Comparative Law programs and the Bessie Dutton Murray Professor of Law, “Our initial fellows all went on to distinguished careers in legal academia. Our current fellows all have interdisciplinary interests, which makes them highly marketable in these competitive times.”  Iowa Law faculty fellows concentrate on the aspects of academic life that are most helpful in preparing for a faculty career in legal education. Typically, faculty fellows teach one course during the academic year, with the remainder of their time devoted to research and development of one or more major works of scholarship. They work closely with a primary faculty mentor and an advisory team of faculty and have minimal service assignments to permit more concentration on teaching and scholarship.