UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT LAW — Shae Heitz started classes at the UConn School of Law on the same day the United States completed the withdrawal from Afghanistan. She said a switch went off in her head as she realized what kind of legal work she wanted to do, prompting her to join the UConn Law chapter of the International Refugee Assistance Project in her first year. Heitz is continuing to pursue that effort as she studies abroad this semester as a visiting postgraduate fellow at the University of Nottingham’s Human Rights Lab in England. While abroad, she traveled to Jordan to take part in the IRAP Jordan program aiding refugees from other parts of the Middle East who are seeking resettlement, funded by the UConn Human Rights Institute. One of nine students from the U.S. and Canada, Heitz helped conduct intake interviews with refugees and write referrals to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.