THE BAR ASSOCIATION OF METROPOLIS — Representation in any walk of life is a very important factor, which should not be undervalued. That representation also is an additional reason diversity, equity and inclusion are invaluable, particularly in the legal field. Oftentimes as a child, when asked what I wanted to be growing up, I would consider a couple factors. Whether it was a pastor at my church or a local firefighter, my interest at the moment is where I would start. The second factor I would consider was if there was anyone I knew or knew of who was actually participating in the job or occupation that fit my interest. This early two-part analysis is one that I do not believe is uncommon amongst children or other individuals considering what career path they want to pursue. The effect of being able to see someone who looks like you in a field of interest or career path can serve as a factor which may change the trajectory of a person’s life. When faced with statistics telling you something you want to do is improbable, viewing someone actively doing what you are pursuing may serve as encouragement to continue moving forward.