The Placement Bulletin is a collated listing of available law school faculty and administrative positions, as well as positions related to legal education in other departments and at international law schools. It is issued four times each academic year.

If you have registered for the FAR, you have already paid for access to the Placement Bulletin. You will receive an email each time a new issue is released with a link to access it.

If you are interested in subscribing to the Placement Bulletin and you BOTH:

  1. Do not plan to register for the FAR, and
  2. Are not a faculty or staff member at a member or fee-paid law school,

You may purchase a single issue for $60 or an annual subscription (four issues) for $175. Please complete the Placement Bulletin Order Form (PDF) and submit it as instructed. Email [email protected] with questions.

If you are a current faculty or staff member at a member or fee-paid school, see For Current Faculty on the Market to access the Placement Bulletin as a benefit of your schools membership.

If you are an administrator working with a law school appointment committee and need to post a job, access more information here.

Positions Listed in the Placement Bulletin

Faculty Positions

  • Tenure-Track Teaching positions
    • Entry Level positions
    • Lateral positions
  • Clinical and Externship positions
  • Fellowships
  • Legal Research and Writing positions
  • Visiting Assistant Professorships (VAP)
  • Visitorships for current faculty

Law School Administration Positions

  • Deans
  • Associate Deans
  • Assistant Deans
  • Faculty Director positions
  • Staff Director positions

Administrative Staff Positions

  • Varies

2024 Release Schedule

IssueDate Posted Online
1August 14, 2024
2September 5, 2024
3September 26, 2024
4January 30, 2025