ABA Techshow highlights best practices for teaching technology in law

March 3, 2020

ABA JOURNAL — She was one of four members of a Thursday panel titled “Skills Building: Best Practices for Teaching Tech to Law Students” at ABA Techshow at the Hyatt Regency Chicago. The other panelists were Nicole N. Morris, a profesor in practice at Emory University School of Law; Jennifer L. Wondracek, a professor of practice

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Law schools integrate technology in course offerings

March 3, 2020

ABA JOURNAL — All these offerings were discussed Thursday by an ABA Techshow 2020 panel titled “Innovation Foundation: Forward-Thinking Law School Curriculum,” at the Hyatt Regency hotel in Chicago. Some panelists said lawyers will call them, and these lawyers are specifically looking for clerks or new lawyers who have technology skills.

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Growing demand for online college degree programs

March 3, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — New online learning stats show growing demand for online programs across state lines and shed new light on in-state online enrollments. Over 1.5 million students studied toward online degrees at institutions in their home state last year, according to new distance education data released today.

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Concerns over facial recognition surveillance on campuses

March 3, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — UCLA was the first university to openly consider facial recognition technology for security surveillance. The university abandoned that plan, but other colleges may be using the software.

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University of Akron Law professor Emily Janoski-Haehlen discusses career in legal technology education

March 3, 2020

AKRON LEGAL NEWS — Janoski-Haehlen is an associate professor, director of the law library and associate dean for academic affairs and institutional excellence at the law school, and she currently teaches and developed the only legal technology course at the school…Beyond her work here with The University of Akron’s legal technology education, Janoski-Haehlen is a national

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American University Washington College of Law Tech, Law, and Security Program co-launches Free Speech Project

March 3, 2020

AMERICAN UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON COLLEGE OF LAW — On Monday, Feb. 24, American University Washington College of Law’s new Tech, Law, and Security Program (TLS), in partnership with technology collaborative Future Tense, launched a collaborative year-long project that seeks to analyze the current state, and future prospects, of free speech in the digital age.

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UC Irvine Law Graduate Tax Program partners with legal tech firm to develop curriculum on artificial intelligence in tax law

March 3, 2020

UC IRVINE SCHOOL OF LAW — Blue J Legal announced today a new partnership with the University of California, Irvine School of Law (UCI Law), to integrate its Blue J Tax Foresight platform into UCI Law’s Graduate Tax Program. The partnership intends to teach UCI Law graduate students pursuing a degree in tax law about the

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NYU co-publishes report on artificial intelligence in federal agencies

March 2, 2020

VENTURE BEAT — More than 40% of U.S. federal agencies and departments have experimented with AI tools, but only 15% currently use highly sophisticated AI, according to analysis by Stanford University computer scientists published today in “Government by Algorithm,” a joint report from Stanford and New York University.

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Stanford Law co-publishes report on artificial intelligence in federal agencies

March 2, 2020

STANFORD LAW SCHOOL — The Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS), Stanford Law School, and New York University School of Law are pleased to announce the release of a major report exploring federal agencies’ use of artificial intelligence (AI) to carry out administrative law functions. This is the most comprehensive study of the subject ever conducted in the United States.

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Akron Law professor Mark Shultz testifies before U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Intellectual Property on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act

February 25, 2020

UNIVERSITY OF AKRON — Akron Law Professor Mark F. Schultz was one of eight experts on internet copyright law to testify before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Intellectual Property on Feb. 11 in the first of several hearings intended to lay the groundwork to modernize the influential and controversial 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

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