Gift to Stanford Law IP and innovation clinic helps support legal needs of software developers

August 12, 2021

ZD NET — GitHub is partnering with Stanford University on a new initiative designed to protect the legal rights of open source developers. Through its $1 million Developer Defense Fund, GitHub is creating the GitHub Developer Rights Fellowship at the Stanford Law School Juelsgaard Intellectual Property and Innovation Clinic.

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Law graduates reflect on the remote bar exam

July 30, 2021

ABA JOURNAL — For the 30 jurisdictions offering a remote bar exam in a few weeks, there are hopes the technology has improved since last year’s administrations, when candidates reported issues with facial authentication technology, software crashes and problems uploading videos.

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Northwestern Law professor Michael A. Zuckerman argues against automating legal writing

July 30, 2021

ABA JOURNAL — Give a dozen brilliant mathematicians the same problem, and they will give you the same answer. Math has an objective truth to it; however, legal writing is different.

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Brooklyn Law hosts virtual symposium honoring professor Roberta Karmel

July 30, 2021

BROOKLYN LAW SCHOOL — On May 13 and 14, Brooklyn Law School hosted the virtual symposium A Life Navigating the Securities Markets: A Celebration of Professor Roberta Karmel’s Work, Teaching, and Mentorship.

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Case Western Reserve Law webinars draw national attendance

July 30, 2021

CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW — Undeterred by the pandemic, the Law School hosted 39 events online in the past year. Most events had 200-300 attendees, about three times the audience in-person events attracted in the past. The total attendance for the events from fall 2020 through spring 2021 was 7,237.

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CSU Cleveland-Marshall Law Center for Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection professor Brian Ray helps draft state privacy bill

July 30, 2021

CSU CLEVELAND-MARSHALL COLLEGE OF LAW — CSU Cleveland-Marshall College of Law’s Center for Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection Advisory Board member and CyberOhio Chair Kirk Herath led a small group of experts, including Center Director Professor Brian Ray and two other Center Board members, Tim Opsitnick, and Spence Witten, in drafting Ohio’s landmark privacy bill that was announced at

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Fordham Law Pre-Law and Summer Institutes combined and offered online

July 30, 2021

FORDHAM LAW NEWS — On July 6, Fordham Law School launched this year’s annual Pre-Law and Summer Institutes. These programs are offered online, and both cohorts are combined for the first time.

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Penn State Dickinson Law professor Sara Gerke co-authors article in Science on artificial intelligence in healthcare

July 29, 2021

PENN STATE DICKINSON LAW — Professor Sara Gerke co-authors a new piece in Science on the drawbacks of explainable artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms in health care. Her co-authors include scholars from Harvard Law School, INSEAD, and the University of Toronto.

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William & Mary Law faculty self-publishes inexpensive and reader-friendly casebooks

July 29, 2021

WILLIAM & MARY LAW SCHOOL — Professors Jeffrey Bellin, Adam Gershowitz and Sarah R. Wasserman Rajec of William & Mary Law School know that traditional casebooks—the backbone of legal education—are not only huge, dense, note-ridden, and extremely expensive, but they can be backbreaking for students with tight budgets and hours and hours of reading to get

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Penn Law student Amani Carter examines anti-Black bias in artificial intelligence

June 28, 2021

UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA CAREY LAW SCHOOL — Amani Carter L’22 in the Law School’s AI and Bias Lab, taught by Senior Adjunct Professor of Global Leadership Rangita de Silva de Alwis, has developed a new study on Unmasking Coded Bias.

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