How to best ChatGPT and other AI chatbots

May 31, 2023

CNBC — As the generative AI field heats up, consumer-facing chatbots are fielding questions about business strategy, designing study guides for math class, offering advice on salary negotiation and even writing wedding vows. And things are just getting started. 

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Stanford Law professor Daniel Ho presents testimony on artificial intelligence before US Senate

May 31, 2023

STANFORD LAW — On May 16, 2023, Professor Daniel E. Ho1 presented testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs’ hearing on artificial intelligence. Ho, the William Benjamin Scott and Luna M. Scott Professor of Law, serves as an appointed member to the National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Commission, advising the White

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GPT-4’s Law School Grades: Con Law C, Crim C-, Law & Econ C, Partnership Tax B, Property B-, Tax B

May 30, 2023

(TaxProf Blog) by Paul Caron — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares an article by several University of Maryland Carey Law professors that looks at how generative artificial intelligence platform GPT-4 performed on several law school final exams.

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Congress works to regulate artificial intelligence

May 25, 2023

NPR — For the past several weeks, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has met with at least 100 experts in artificial intelligence to craft groundbreaking legislation to install safeguards. The New York Democrat is in the earliest stages of talking to members of his own party and Republicans to gauge their interest in getting behind a new

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How lawyers can utilize ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence programs

May 25, 2023

ABA JOURNAL — ChatGPT and other conversational artificial intelligence built with large language models could radically change how the legal industry operates, giving early adopters a major advantage. For instance, conversational AI can automate routine tasks such as document review and contract analysis for lawyers, and help them perform legal research and writing much more

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How lawyers can use artificial intelligence to work more efficiently

May 25, 2023

FORBES — The day when AI-powered robot lawyers will represent clients in the courtroom may be fast approaching. In fact, it almost arrived on February 22, 2023, the day that DoNotPay—an online legal services company—was scheduled to send its AI-powered chatbot to court to guide a client contesting a traffic ticket. According to DoNotPay, the

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Understanding how artificial intelligence chatbots work

May 25, 2023

NBC NEWS — By now, you’ve heard of ChatGPT and its text generation capabilities. It has passed a business school exam, confounded teachers looking to spot cheaters and helped people craft emails to their co-workers and loved ones. That it has accomplished those tasks is notable, because exams, essays and emails require correct answers. But being correct isn’t

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OpenAI releases ChatGPT app for iOS

May 25, 2023

CNET — OpenAI on Thursday dropped a ChatGPT app for iOS. The new app gives you a way to take OpenAI’s AI chatbot on the go. The free app works on iPhones and iPads, supports voice input and syncs your history across devices. Like using ChatGPT on a computer, the iOS app can answer questions, help with

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William & Mary Law Center for Legal & Court Technology experiments with holographic technology for witness testimony

May 22, 2023

WILLIAM & MARY LAW — In what seems like something from science fiction, William & Mary Law School’s Center for Legal & Court Technology now boasts of using holographic technology for witness testimony.

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How the legal profession is preparing for advancements in generative AI

May 16, 2023

BLOOMBERG LAW — Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for decades, but the rise of public-facing chatbots has seemingly ushered in a new era. Bloomberg Law’s most recent State of Practice Survey asked nearly 800 law firm and in-house practicing attorneys about their familiarity with and views on generative AI and how their organizations have responded to

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