How to use artificial intelligence in law school

March 4, 2024

THE NATIONAL JURIST — University of Louisville’s Tanner, also an early adopter of GenAI, advocates for law students and professors to learn about the technology’s capabilities and limitations.

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Opinion: Why some law firms ban generative artificial intelligence for research and writing

March 4, 2024

BLOOMBERG LAW — Our law firm has a policy forbidding our lawyers to use generative artificial intelligence to produce legal products such as briefs, motion arguments, and researched opinions. Here are some of the reasons we think this is the only right course.

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New artificial intelligence program aims to help lawyers understand how judges think

March 4, 2024

REUTERS — A new venture by a legal technology entrepreneur and a former Kirkland & Ellis partner says it can use artificial intelligence to help lawyers understand how individual judges think, allowing them to tailor their arguments and improve their courtroom results.

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How legal technology will affect the legal profession in 2024

March 4, 2024

JD SUPRA — Amid discussions on profitability as the engine of growth, the changing dynamics within the legal space, data protection and cybersecurity, and heightened client expectations, one resounding theme continues to reemerge: the imperative of scalable innovation.

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How artificial intelligence is affecting the legal profession

February 26, 2024

THE NATIONAL JURIST — “Hey, ChatGPT. Show me how to succeed as a lawyer.” Artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm. ChatGPT was launched in November 2022 and quickly became the fastest-growing consumer software application in history.

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How artificial intelligence could improve access to justice

February 26, 2024

BLOOMBERG LAW — The cost of an attorney is far out of reach for many middle- and low-income Americans. This has serious negative consequences on both society and the rule of law, according to Ray Brescia, a professor at Albany Law School and author of a new book about the future of the legal profession.

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University of Kansas Law professor discusses risks in using artificial intelligence for academic writing

February 21, 2024

KU SCHOOL OF LAW — One of the biggest concerns regarding artificial intelligence is that people will use it as a writing tool, then pass off the results as their own work. But when Andrew Torrance and Bill Tomlinson tried to list AI as a co-author on a law review article, journals didn’t like that either.

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University of Oregon Law professor Rebekah Hanley speaks on panel about artificial intelligence

February 14, 2024

UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SCHOOL OF LAW — Oregon Law’s Rebekah Hanley, current Galen Scholar in Legal Research & Writing studying generative AI and its implications for teaching and the practice of law, joined a roundtable discussion of this topic hosted by Oregon Business magazine.

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Pepperdine Law professor Chris Chambers Goodman presents paper on artificial intelligence at 2024 AALS Annual Meeting

February 13, 2024

PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY CARUSO SCHOOL OF LAW — Professor Christine Chambers Goodman presented “Artificial Intelligence in Legal Practice” at the 2024 Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Annual Meeting.

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How to incorporate artificial intelligence tools in legal practice

February 12, 2024

THOMSON REUTERS — Generative AI (Artificial intelligence) offers tremendous potential to transform both legal practice and the business management of law firms.

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