How generative artificial intelligence could aid lawyers offering pro bono services

June 25, 2024

LEGAL REBELS — A commonly cited solution to helping bridge the access-to-justice canyon is for lawyers to provide more pro bono work. In that regard, have generative artificial intelligence tools made it easier for lawyers to provide pro bono services?

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Arizona State University Law launches artificial intelligence focus for multiple degree programs

June 25, 2024

ASU NEWS — The Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University — ranked the nation’s most innovative university since U.S. News and World Report created the category in 2015 — has embraced artificial intelligence by launching a new AI focus area across several degree programs. 

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Law schools increase artificial intelligence education offerings

June 24, 2024

REUTERS — A growing number of law schools are adding courses and degree programs in artificial intelligence as a way to meet employer demand and capitalize on the flourishing AI industry.

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Stanford study examines the use of artificial intelligence copilots for lawyers

June 10, 2024

FORTUNE — Hello and welcome to Eye on AI. Name a profession and there’s almost certainly someone building a generative AI copilot for it. Accountants, lawyers, doctors, architects, financial advisors, marketing copywriters, software programmers, cybersecurity experts, salespeople—there are copilots already in the market for all of these roles.

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Law firms begin to train summer associates on how to use generative artificial intelligence

June 10, 2024

BLOOMBERG LAW — Some Big Law firms are now making summer associates learn the ins and outs of generative AI as they begin integrating what’s considered to be a game-changing technology for the profession.

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ChatGPT releases new version allowing free access to students enrolled in higher education

June 10, 2024

INSIDE HIGHER ED — OpenAI unveiled a new version of ChatGPT focused on universities on Thursday, building on work with a handful of higher education institutions that partnered with the tech giant.

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ABA meeting explores artificial intelligence and other ethical issues facing the legal profession

June 10, 2024

ABA — The American Bar Association will hold its 49th ABA National Conference on Professional Responsibility on May 30-31 in Denver with an array of programs focusing on timely legal ethics issues, including artificial intelligence, judicial ethics and a retrospective look at the changes in legal ethics stemming from the Watergate episode a half century ago.

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West Virginia University Law students compete in cyber defense exercise

May 30, 2024

WEST VIRGINIA RECORD — The fields of cyberlaw and AI law may be relatively new, but West Virginia University College of Law students are already mastering them on an international stage.

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How artificial intelligence could affect legal education and lawyer training

May 29, 2024

ARTIFICIAL LAWYER — AI will change not just legal work, but legal education and lawyer training – here are five examples of how. AI’s application to the law also raises key questions about evaluating legal work.

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How artificial intelligence could be used in legal cases

May 29, 2024

FORBES — More than a few of the folks who are analyzing the power of AI today are law school graduates.

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