How cancelling student debt could help close the racial wealth gap

June 21, 2022

FIVE THIRTY EIGHT — America’s racial wealth gap is well-documented, even if many continue to underestimate its existence. Black Americans’ net worth is, on average, less than 15 percent of white Americans’, the legacy of centuries of systemic anti-Black racism. Moreover, both political parties have failed time and again to address the inequities facing Black

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Federal student loan debt cancellation details expected in late summer

June 15, 2022

INSIDE HIGHER ED — A final decision on whether the Biden administration will forgive some student loan debt will likely not come until July or August, administration officials told The Wall Street Journal.

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More companies are offering assistance in paying off student loans

June 15, 2022

THE WASHINGTON POST — In a tight labor market, where competition for workers is fierce, companies are making a play to attract and retain employees by offering to pay their student loans.

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Black parents are disproportionately burdened by parent PLUS loans

June 15, 2022

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Black parents are disproportionately burdened by Parent PLUS borrowing, a new study finds, leading to deeper racial inequities in student loan borrowing and higher education at large.

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Student financial aid experts discuss student loan forgiveness and reform

June 14, 2022

INSIDE HIGHER ED — As President Biden moves closer to canceling at least some student debt in the near future, many higher education advocates and members of Congress are concerned that cancellation without broader reforms to the federal loan system at large will merely provide a temporary solution to a much larger issue.

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Lawyers react to federal student loan debt forgiveness proposals

June 14, 2022

REUTERS — A potential move by the Biden administration to cancel $10,000 in federal student loan debt would not do much to alleviate the heavy debt burden many lawyers face, law graduates and policy experts said.

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Federal Reserve Bank Study: How young Americans view the value of a college degree

May 30, 2022

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Younger Americans and those with student debt are far less likely than their peers to believe the benefits of getting a higher education outweigh the costs.

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Survey: Student loan debt relief has public support

May 30, 2022

INSIDE HIGHER ED — The political debate over whether President Biden should move to cancel some or all of the $1.7 trillion in student loan debt currently owed to the federal government is largely focused on perceptions of the role the government should take in making higher education affordable and accessible.

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National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators develops recommendations to improve federal student loan system

May 23, 2022

HIGHER ED DIVE — The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, along with a cadre of 21 higher education organizations, developed recommendations to improve the federal loan system. More than two-dozen resulting suggestions range from how to streamline loan plans to how to better oversee servicers.

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How widespread student loan forgiveness could affect student loan relief programs

May 16, 2022

FORBES — President Joe Biden is potentially weeks away from announcing historic student loan forgiveness for millions of student loan borrowers. While there is no guarantee that Biden will proceed with wide-scale student loan forgiveness, Biden could decide to cancel up to $10,000 or more of student loans for millions of student loan borrowers. What

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