ABA employees are eligible for Public Service Loan Forgiveness

February 25, 2020

ABA JOURNAL — All full-time employees of the ABA are now eligible for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program following a settlement in the association’s lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Education. As a result of that determination, full-time employees with outstanding direct federal loans are eligible for participation, as long as they meet other program

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A look at proposed federal budget cuts in higher education

February 19, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED —  President Trump on Monday called for a $5.6 billion, or 7.8 percent, cut in Department of Education funding and reductions for most core funders of academic research, but also proposed a nearly $900 million increase in career and technical education funding that U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos called “perhaps the largest increase in CTE

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White House budget proposal eliminates student loan forgiveness program

February 19, 2020

CNBC — As student debt continues to climb, President Donald Trump released a budget for 2021 on Monday that would slash many of the programs aimed at helping borrowers. Student loan spending would be cut by $170 billion in Trump’s plan, titled “A Budget for America’s Future.” The cuts include “sensible annual and lifetime loan limits” for graduate

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ABA and SoFi host student loan relief scholarship contest

February 19, 2020

ABA JOURNAL — The ABA’s Young Lawyers Division announced in a Twitter post Sunday that the ABA and SoFi, an online personal finance company, are accepting applications for their new Student Loan Relief Scholarship Contest. Entrants must answer the question, “How would an ABA/SoFi Student Loan Relief Scholarship impact your world?” in 500 words or less

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Department of Education provides student loan relief for some disabled U.S. military veterans

February 10, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — The federal government plans to forgive hundreds of millions of dollars in outstanding loan debt for roughly 25,000 disabled veterans in July.  The question of how far the Trump administration should go to forgive the debt of those who are too disabled to work comes after the department has tried to address why

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U.S. Department of Education plans to simplify application process for Public Service Loan Forgiveness

February 10, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — The federal government plans to forgive hundreds of millions of dollars in outstanding loan debt for roughly 25,000 disabled veterans in July. But while consumer and veterans’ groups are applauding the move by the U.S. Department of Education, they also don’t think it goes far enough. They want the department to discharge the student

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A look at the effect of student forgiveness programs on taxes

February 5, 2020

FORBES — There are a myriad of programs and options out there for student loan borrowers to potentially get some or all of their student loan debt forgiven. But these programs have complicated and sometimes confusing eligibility criteria. To make matters even more frustrating, some forms of student loan forgiveness are taxable events, while others are

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Bipartisan Policy Center recommends series of changes to Higher Education Act

February 5, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — A panel including lawmakers involved in Congress’s last renewal of the Higher Education Act says that law is now obsolete, recommending a series of changes. In a series of recommendations released Wednesday, a panel of former lawmakers and education experts, chaired by the top Democrat and Republican on the House education committee that helped write

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Parent PLUS loans account for quarter of borrowing for college

February 5, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — A new study adds to growing concerns about a federal program that allows parents to take out loans to help finance their children’s undergraduate education. An increasing portion of parents also are struggling to pay off these loans. For example, the five-year default rate grew to 11 percent for parents who took out PLUS loans in

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Seton Hall Law and Institute for Public Policy partner to assist students pursing public policy and public service careers

January 27, 2020

NJBIZ — Former-Gov. Chris Christie’s alma mater, Seton Hall University School of Law, and the nonprofit Christie Institute for Public Policy are officially teaming up, a spokesperson for the former governor announced Tuesday.  The institute also plans to help train students in law and public policy through its facilitation of externship placements, to give them a

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