University of Virginia Law welcomes new students

August 24, 2021

UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA SCHOOL OF LAW — Law students should embrace their failures and setbacks, and grow from them, Grace Fu ’09 told the Class of 2024 during her orientation address Monday at the University of Virginia School of Law in Caplin Auditorium.

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Advice on preparing for the first year of law school

August 16, 2021

NATIONAL JURIST — It’s true that law schools are OK with any major. They have no expectation that you will have majored in pre-law or be an expert in legal research. But for you, how do you prepare in college so that by the time you start law school you have some knowledge of law and

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Tips for success for incoming students

August 16, 2021

NATIONAL JURIST — If you’re beginning your first year with the goal of being a top law student, you’re not alone. Many of your classmates will have that same ambition. To set yourself apart, you’ll need to have a strategy for success from the start.

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Advice for law school applicants amid competitive admissions environment

August 16, 2021

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Current statistics from the Law School Admission Council, known as LSAC, show that nearly 71,000 people applied to law school for the 2021 enrollment year, roughly a 13% increase from the prior year. Those applicants submitted nearly 481,000 law school applications in total, about a 27% increase from last year.

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Tips on staying focused while studying for the bar exam

June 29, 2021

THE NATIONAL JURIST — The bar exam is rough. In this short piece, we’ll focus on just a few motivation tools.  A quick caveat, serious mental health and wellness challenges are real and rising in law student and attorney populations.

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Case Western Reserve Law launches summer JumpStart program for incoming first-year law students

June 29, 2021

CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW — With its new JumpStart program CWRU School of Law is providing incoming 1L students the opportunity to begin their law school career a few months early. The JumpStart program offers an eight-week summer experience designed to help students excel in law school and beyond.

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National Conference of Bar Examiners reverts to in-person only bar exams in 2022

June 15, 2021

ABA JOURNAL — Law grads taking bar exams developed by the National Conference of Bar Examiners next year should expect to take the test in person. The NCBE announced Tuesday that its test materials will be made available to jurisdictions only in an in-person form beginning in February 2022.

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Advice on avoiding bar preparation burnout for law students

June 15, 2021

THE NATIONAL JURIST — After surviving three years of law school stress, what’s several weeks of bar prep? The truth is that the limited time frame, the unique nature of the pressure, and the sheer volume of material leaves many bar exam takers feeling like they’re on an emotional rollercoaster.

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Equal Justice Works Alumni Engagement Program connects law students and lawyers through public service

April 21, 2021

EQUAL JUSTICE WORKS — For more than 30 years, Equal Justice Works has been facilitating opportunities for law students and lawyers to engage in public service and bring lasting change to underserved communities across our country. Today, we have more than 2,000 Fellows in our alumni network.

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Tips for first-year law firm associates

April 21, 2021

JD SUPRA — Concerns about starting your first job after law school are justified. It is terrifying. For many, the first year as an associate will be your first professional job. Little has prepared you for the difficult, confusing and stressful first year ahead. We thought we would pass along some tips to the next generation.

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