Attorneys from large law firms discuss the importance of mentorships

April 12, 2022

BLOOMBERG LAW — Graduating from law school, passing the bar exam, and joining a firm are key milestones for new attorneys. But mastering elements not taught in law school such as developing business and navigating firm culture can be daunting. That’s where mentors can make a difference. To find out what makes mentorships work, we

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UC Irvine Law librarian Matthew Flyntz gives advice for legal employers hiring law students for research projects

April 4, 2022

ABA JOURNAL — As a law school reference librarian, I field a lot of questions from law students working at internships, externships and summer jobs. Over the years, I’ve seen some recurring issues with the research assignments given to law students, and I thought it might be helpful to discuss some of them here.

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Advice for students on how to save money during law school

March 31, 2022

NATIONAL JURIST — When you’re in law school, struggling to get by on a part-time job while purchasing textbooks that often cost at least $300 each, every dollar counts. While law school might seem like the place to go “all out” financially, you’re basically shooting yourself in the foot long-term: there’s nothing worse than getting your

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Advice: There’s no such thing as a “typical” law student

March 24, 2022

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Lawyers tend to err on the side of caution, and the legal profession is notoriously resistant to change. Perhaps that’s one reason why many people have a strong mental image of a “typical lawyer” – a pale older man with a briefcase and a suit who looks like he

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Advice for taking the LSAT for students where English is a second language

March 17, 2022

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Law school applicants should know that the LSAT tests logic skills more than English skills. Welcome to the latest installment of Law Admissions Q&A, a feature that provides law school admissions advice to readers who send in inquiries. If you have a question about law school admissions, email us for a

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Podcast: Maintaining well-being while studying for the bar exam

March 17, 2022

BAR EXAM TOOLBOX — Welcome back to the Bar Exam Toolbox podcast! Studying for the bar is certainly a challenging time, but you shouldn’t be miserable while doing it. Today, we’re discussing mental health and maintaining equilibrium during bar prep by reclaiming some time to do things that make you feel good.

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How to stay healthy while studying for the bar exam

March 2, 2022

LEGALSCOOPS — Are you studying for the bar exam? If so, you’re probably feeling a little overwhelmed. The bar exam is a challenging test, and it’s essential to stay healthy while you’re preparing for it.

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Tips for law school applicants with STEM experience

February 23, 2022

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — Applicants with backgrounds in STEM fields – science, technology, engineering and mathematics – have a leg up in law school admissions. Law is increasingly enmeshed with science and technology, and not just in the burgeoning areas of health law, tech law, patent law and environmental law. From forensic evidence

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Advice for law students on succeeding in law school

February 17, 2022

LAWYER MONTHLY — Whether you’re struggling with your studies, or you’re simply looking for some extra advice on how to thrive, here are 5 tips for succeeding at law school in 2022.

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Advice for prospective law students on selecting a school

February 1, 2022

LAWYER MONTHLY — The prospect of going to law school is not only one that requires a lot of hard work and money but also some thorough research. As with any other profession, while some grads can easily embark on to their successful careers, others might find themselves struggling to find a job. As such, you

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