Law graduates report technical difficulties taking the remote July Bar Exam

August 16, 2021

BLOOMBERG LAW — The newest reports echo those from exams last February and October, also held remotely in response to the pandemic. Test takers then reported rejected file attachments, the deletion of online essay notes and even being kicked off the test completely because of facial recognition technology that didn’t work properly. This time around, test takers

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A look at University at Buffalo Law’s Discover Law Undergraduate Scholars Program for underrepresented students

August 16, 2021

UBNOW — Johnniel Morales has a clear, powerful statement about how UB’s Discover Law Undergraduate Scholars Program, an immersive summer program for promising underrepresented students, changed his life. It’s about “admiring the value of my potential and the diversity that surrounds me as an opportunity to reflect and rebuild over the things that were seen as

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Students face anxiety and mental health challenges preparing for college this fall

August 11, 2021

THE HILL — College students have had a hard time during the pandemic with their campuses closed and having to switch to full-time remote learning. This has taken a toll on many people’s mental health and well-being. Campuses around the country are preparing to welcome back students and with a better sense for students’ needs in

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University of Arizona Law launches online JD-Next program to improve access to legal education

July 30, 2021

PR NEWSWIRE — ETS announced its sponsorship of the 2021 JD-Next Program, an online, eight-week course designed by the University of Arizona to help aspiring lawyers preview and prepare for the rigor of law school as well as to provide law programs with an additional window on participants’ potential to succeed.

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Case Western Reserve Law webinars draw national attendance

July 30, 2021

CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW — Undeterred by the pandemic, the Law School hosted 39 events online in the past year. Most events had 200-300 attendees, about three times the audience in-person events attracted in the past. The total attendance for the events from fall 2020 through spring 2021 was 7,237.

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UConn Law dean Eboni Nelson reflects on the past year

July 30, 2021

UCONN TODAY — Eboni S. Nelson joined UConn as dean of the School of Law on July 31, 2020. After leading the law school through a global pandemic and an entire academic year of virtual learning, she spoke with UConn Today about the challenges and rewards of her first 12 months.

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Fordham Law Pre-Law and Summer Institutes combined and offered online

July 30, 2021

FORDHAM LAW NEWS — On July 6, Fordham Law School launched this year’s annual Pre-Law and Summer Institutes. These programs are offered online, and both cohorts are combined for the first time.

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How the pandemic has affected legal education and law school admissions

July 1, 2021

WTOP NEWS — American law schools, typically traditionalist and resistant to change, have adapted with rare urgency to the continuing coronavirus pandemic. In the spring of 2020, most law schools — like other educational institutions — moved classes online, canceled campus activities and events, and restricted libraries and other facilities.

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Survey explores law student opinions of remote classes during the pandemic

June 29, 2021

ABA JOURNAL — First-year law students are more satisfied with online learning than those who started law school before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a survey released Wednesday by the AccessLex Institute and Gallup.

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Fordham Law to return to in-person classes this fall

June 29, 2021

FORDHAM LAW NEWS — For the Law School, these policies mean that we are moving ahead with our plan to hold almost all courses and programming in person. A few courses will be offered online, and some programming will be held virtually, especially on Fridays, but this coming semester will otherwise be back to normal.

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