I Will Survive Online Teaching

March 20, 2020

Best Practices for Legal Education (By Mary A. Lynch) — Professor Lynch (Albany Law) shares a video from professor Michael Bruening (Missouri University of Science and Technology) singing a parody of Gloria Gaynor’s 1978 hit “I Will Survive,” about the adjustment to online teaching.

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100% Of Law Schools Have Moved Online Due To The Coronavirus

March 20, 2020

TaxProf Blog (By Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares that all ABA accredited law schools have shifted online due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Fair Use And Emergency Remote Teaching And Research

March 20, 2020

TaxProf Blog (By Paul Caron) — The author shares a statement from university library copyright specialists advising faculty on how to navigate fair use and DMCA regulations while remote teaching.

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Some thoughts about (and mostly against) pass-fail law school grading during Covid-19

March 20, 2020

Excess of Democracy (By Derek T. Muller) — Professor Muller (Pepperdine Law) argues against using pass-fail grading for law classes due to the disruption caused by the pandemic. He also shares the opinion of law faculty supportive of the move to pass-fail.

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Law schools adjust to online learning

March 18, 2020

ABA JOURNAL — As of Thursday there were no confirmed cases of coronavirus in Ithaca, New York. Cornell University wants to keep it that way, which is why although the campus is open now, students will be finishing the term remotely starting April 6, when spring break ends.

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How to prepare for emergency online teaching

March 18, 2020

THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION — As the coronavirus spreads across the country, leading some campuses to shift instruction online temporarily, Clemson has a handle on what it takes to help its professors transition to remote teaching. Most colleges are planning for a potential or actual disruption this spring. So can other institutions learn from Clemson’s

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Advice for quickly converting a class online

March 18, 2020

THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION — The coronavirus has colleges and universities swinging into action to move courses online. In the coming weeks, we’ll find out just how prepared (or not) academe is to do this on a large scale. Those of us in online teaching and educational technology have moved quickly to help, too, and it’s astonishing

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Resources for faculty and administrators in handling campus closings and online courses

March 18, 2020

EDUCAUSE — This resource page was created to help higher education institutions plan for possible campus disruption by COVID-19, or Coronavirus 19—a respiratory disease caused by a novel (new) coronavirus. This virus has been detected in the United States (CDC, COVID19 Summary). For further information concerning the source and spread of the disease:

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Chronicle of Higher Education releases guide to online teaching

March 18, 2020

THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION — Maybe you didn’t experience that fizz after a particularly invigorating face-to-face class. Indeed, according to a 2017 Educause survey, only 9 percent of academics prefer to teach “in a completely online environment.” That means a whopping 91 percent of us don’t. And I suspect that a good majority of that 91

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