Six Strategies for Successful Online Learning

April 7, 2020

Law School Success (By Susan Landrum) — Professor Landrum (Nova Southeastern Law) provides strategies for students to succeed in online classes.

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Adapting to the new normal: Tips for socialization while social distancing in law schools

April 7, 2020

Best Practices for Legal Education (By Jessica N. Haller) — Professor Haller (Albany Law) offers tips for students and faculty on how to ‘virtually socialize’ during the COVID-19 outbreak.

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Pepperdine Provides Covid-19 Legal Resources for Those in Need

April 7, 2020

TaxProf Blog (By Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares resources offered by Pepperdine Law’s Community Justice Clinic to help organizations navigate federal loans, grants, and tax programs, as well as assist employees who have lost their jobs due to the economic effects of the COVID-19 outbreak.

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New Twitter feed @EpidemicLaw for posts about law and epidemics (and this epidemic)

April 7, 2020

The Volokh Conspiracy (By Eugene Volokh) — Professor Volokh (UCLA Law) shares the creation of a new Twitter feed on law and epidemics.

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Advice for law students on tackling take-home exams

April 7, 2020

ABA FOR LAW STUDENTS — Whether you are excited by the idea of take-home essay exams or frightened by it, you may have some questions about the best way to prepare. I have compiled a list of tips and suggestions that apply generally to take-home exams. These tips should not take the place of any specific instructions your

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Tips for law students preparing for online classes

April 7, 2020

ABA FOR LAW STUDENTS — Over at the Law to Fact podcast, Professor Leslie Tenzer and I have a conversation with tips for law students about online learning. Every single law school in the country now has transitioned to online delivery for classes for the rest of the semester. No doubt, the change has been jarring to faculty, students, and

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What law students should do after each online class

April 7, 2020

ABA FOR LAW STUDENTS —  Now that we’ve had a chance to think about creating conditions for success before and during online law school classes, here are some tips for what to do during a distance education session. After an online class…

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Princeton University publishes faculty resource guide for online teaching

April 7, 2020

PRINCETON UNIVERSITY — This resource is designed to help you make more informed, systematic, and ultimately more effective decisions so you can stay engaged, learn, study, research, write, and achieve your goals—and become a more effective learner and scholar along the way. We’ve organized our guidance under the following categories.

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American University Washington College of Law faculty share remote teaching experiences

April 7, 2020

AMERICAN UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON COLLEGE OF LAW — American University announced on March 12 that, in response to the novel coronavirus pandemic, it would transition to online classes for the rest of the semester for the safety of the AU community. For American University Washington College of Law (AUWCL), that meant courses switched to an online format

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Arizona State University Law offers optional pass-fail grading for students this semester

April 7, 2020

ABC 15 — Arizona State University made the switch to online learning on March 11, 2020 in response to COVID-19. ASU President Michael Crow told The State Press last week that ASU “will definitively not do a pass/fail option on a University-wide basis,” but left the option open to faculty. That choice is being offered to the students of Sandra Day

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