University of Dayton Law dean Andrew L. Strauss says pandemic will change future of online legal education

April 28, 2020

THE NATIONAL JURIST — But, in an extraordinary coincidence, on March 6, less than a week before the mass suspension of in person classes, the ABA issued a previously planned, and largely unnoticed, proposal to eliminate its long-standing prohibition on online J.D. programs.

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Law schools move moot court competitions online

April 28, 2020

THE NATIONAL JURIST — Technology is helping law students to continue to battle, argue, match wits, have at it. In a professional manner, mind you. A number of moot court competitions that used to be held in person are being held online in wake of the coronavirus outbreak.

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Colleges announce shift to summer online classes and tuition reductions

April 28, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — A flurry of colleges has made the formal, if inevitable, announcements in the last 10 days that summer sessions — or at least the first scheduled sessions for those that have multiple summer start dates — will be online-only due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Community colleges face challenges in shift to remote teaching

April 28, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Faculty members at community and technical colleges face challenges in the pivot to remote learning and are trying new technology, assessment tools and ways to communicate.

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Strategies for teaching effectively online

April 28, 2020

PSYCHOLOGY TODAY — This post is a continuation of the first nine strategies introduced in Part I for optimizing virtual/distance/online classrooms.

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Additional tips for teaching online

April 28, 2020

PSYCHOLOGY TODAY — This blog post is a continuation of the first nine strategies introduced in Part I plus an additional seven strategies in Part II for optimizing virtual/distance/online classrooms.

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Indiana Law schools respond to pandemic

April 28, 2020

THE INDIANA LAWYER — The coronavirus emergency is forcing many changes to legal education in Indiana. Law schools and the judiciary are changing procedures, canceling events and finding alternatives as the prohibitions on large gatherings appear likely to continue for the foreseeable future. Below is an overview of the changes to the spring 2020 semester and

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Council of Legal Education Opportunity to host summer programs online

April 28, 2020

CLEO INC — For the first time in its 52-year history, the Council on Legal Education Opportunity, Inc. (CLEO) will host its major programs online to reach its diverse audiences during 2020 in response to the novel coronavirus.

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UC Irvine Law students conduct pro bono work remotely

April 27, 2020

THE NATIONAL JURIST — Law schools have made the quite the pivot since the coronavirus outbreak. Many have switched to online learning. A number of moot court competitions are being held virtually. Schools are zooming, so to speak.  And now students at the University of California, Irvine School of Law are even managing to do pro

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University of Colorado Law adds online executive education courses

April 27, 2020

COLORADO LAW — Due to the ongoing issues related to COVID-19, the University of Colorado Law School’s in-person Executive Education courses have been rescheduled for summer 2021. In their place, Colorado Law will offer a virtual, full-day short course and free two-hour webinar on cannabis entrepreneurship and a virtual, full-day short course on compliance in

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