Law student outlines challenges of distance learning

May 8, 2020

9 ABC NEWS —  She said distance learning presents unique challenges especially for people who have distractions in their home that are not typically present in a lecture hall. She also said things have changed with structure

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Law students react to online learning experience

May 8, 2020

THE NATIONAL JURIST — Now many are in cramped apartments or back home with parents, going to school virtually because of the coronavirus outbreak that has forced most of the nation to shutdown.

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Law students detail experiences of online education during pandemic

May 8, 2020

THE INDIANA LAWYER — The global pandemic forced a breakneck shift from in-person classes and on-campus activities to distance learning as colleges and universities closed buildings and dorms to slow the spread of coronavirus. Law students are now peering into their computer screens to either watch a recorded lecture or virtually attend a live class.

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Colleges weigh options for fall reopening

May 8, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — While no one can foresee what will happen in the fall, most colleges and universities are thinking through a range of options. These options tend to fall along a continuum, with everything being back to normal on one end and fully remote learning on the other. The former is mostly outside the

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Colleges experiment with flexible academic calendars

May 8, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Beloit College moves from traditional semesters to two-course modules to allow for flexibility next fall in case of continued closures.

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How colleges can support international students during the pandemic

May 8, 2020

EDUCATION DIVE — Higher education administrators, program leaders and college ambassadors, along with professional associations, must serve the unique needs of international students through new and creative action.

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Law school moot court competitions reimagined online

May 8, 2020

THE NATIONAL JURIST — Technology is helping law students to continue to battle, argue, match wits, have at it. In a professional manner, mind you. A number of moot court competitions that used to be held in person are being held online in wake of the coronavirus outbreak.

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Advice on reducing video conference fatigue

May 8, 2020

BBC — BBC Worklife spoke to Gianpiero Petriglieri, an associate professor at Insead, who explores sustainable learning and development in the workplace, and Marissa Shuffler, an associate professor at Clemson University, who studies workplace wellbeing and teamwork effectiveness, to hear their views.

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A look at Albany Law’s transition to online teaching

May 8, 2020

ALBANY LAW SCHOOL — The novel coronavirus has changed daily life for everyone at Albany Law School. Student organizations are holding video calls from their members’ hometowns. Admitted students are visiting campus virtually, through video tours and podcasts. Zoom has become the default medium for students, faculty, and staff alike.

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William & Mary Law details transition to online classes

April 28, 2020

WILLIAM & MARY LAW SCHOOL — To that end, students were asked not to return after spring break, and faculty began to teach remotely through the end of the semester. And with that move, names such as Zoom and Panopto are now heard as much in everyday conversation as Westlaw and LexisNexis.

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