Loyola Law School, Los Angeles launches online summer tax course amid pandemic

May 26, 2020

THE NATIONAL JURIST – Law schools’ move to online learning is continuing into summer. For instance, the Graduate Tax Program at LMU Loyola Law School is launching an online version of its Summer Tax Intensive In response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The program offer classes custom-designed for online instruction. Classes start on May 26. More information is available at www.lls.edu/summertax.

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Podcast: Impact of COVID on law schools

May 20, 2020

ABOVE THE LAW — On this special report, we explore COVID’s impact on legal education, how law schools are adapting, and what students must do to prepare in the months ahead.

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Future of higher education transformed by the pandemic

May 20, 2020

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM — The pandemic that has shuttered economies around the world has also battered education systems in developing and developed countries. Some 1.5 billion students — close to 90% of all primary, secondary and tertiary learners in the world — are no longer able to physically go to school.

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California State University system plans for most classes to be online this fall

May 20, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — The California State University system is planning for the worst. The system’s chancellor announced Tuesday in a virtual meeting with trustees that the university is moving ahead with a “virtual planning framework.” Effectively, that means most courses in the fall are likely to be online.

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Some students concerned about returning to campuses this fall

May 20, 2020

THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION — The Chronicle is tracking colleges’ reopening plans, and about 73 percent of institutions in our sample say they plan a face-to-face fall semester. Several leaders have made rather confident statements. Their employees and students seem less sure about a homecoming anytime soon.

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U.S. Education Secretary DeVos and Vice President Pence hold call with university leaders to discuss guidelines for reopening campuses

May 20, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Vice President Mike Pence held a call Wednesday with leaders of 14 colleges and universities. They were joined by Betsy DeVos, the U.S. secretary of education, and Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, in a discussion about “best practices to get students back to school in the fall,” according to

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Colleges seek protection from lawsuits if campuses reopen

May 20, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — College presidents tell Vice President Pence that being shielded from lawsuits if students get sick would make them likelier to physically reopen their campuses.

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Opinion: Fall return is not viable for college campuses

May 20, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — The option of students returning to campus in the fall is not viable, regardless of the economic implications, argues William G. Tierney.

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Law schools plan virtual and in-person class options for the fall

May 14, 2020

ABA JOURNAL — Students may not feel safe attending courses because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and that’s also true for professors, say law school deans, many of whom want in-person classes this fall but are making various plans they hope meet ABA accreditation standards.

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Fordham Law to host virtual diploma ceremony

May 14, 2020

FORDHAM LAW NEWS — On May 18, Fordham Law School will host its 113th annual diploma ceremony. Due to the coronavirus outbreak and the cancellation of all in-person events at Fordham University, this year’s ceremony will be held as a virtual celebration for the very first time in the Law School’s history. An in-person celebration will take

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