University of Mississippi Law professor W. Tucker Carrington helps free man on death row

October 5, 2021

DE SOTO TIMES TRIBUNE — In January 1993, a brutal triple homicide shocked a small Mississippi community: A 13-year-old girl, Evangela Boyd, found dead in her home, her naked body lying on the floor of the laundry room. Her mom, Verline Boyd, and her grandmother, Betty Boyd, found lifeless in other areas of the house, which

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University of New Mexico Law Expungement Clinic students partner with law firm to create hotline

October 4, 2021

UNM NEWSROOM — Law students with The University of New Mexico’s Expungement Law Clinic are hosting a hotline, inspired by National Expungement Works’ Week of Action and Awareness, aimed to help individuals across the state gain employment, receive promotions, qualify for loans and much more by cleaning up their records. From Monday, Sept. 27 through Friday, Oct.

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South Texas College of Law Houston provides guidance to area residents facing eviction

October 4, 2021

SOUTH TEXAS COLLEGE OF LAW HOUSTON — Eric Kwartler, Public Interest Attorney in South Texas College of Law Houston’s Randall O. Sorrells Legal Clinics, and several of his law students will be providing guidance to area residents to help them avoid being evicted during a Keep Harris Housed outreach event Thursday, Sept. 30, in Alief. Any tenant

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Albany Law Health Law Clinic receives grant to provide legal services to individuals with HIV/AIDS

September 29, 2021

ALBANY LAW SCHOOL — The Health Law Clinic within the Justice Center at Albany Law School is part of a trio of organizations that has received nearly $1 million from the New York State Department of Health to provide legal services for individuals and families grappling with HIV/AIDS and the treatments needed to combat the disease. Led

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University of Michigan Law professor Margo Schlanger nominated to USDA civil rights post

September 28, 2021

LEGALNEWS.COM — Margo Schlanger, Wade H. and Dores M. McCree Collegiate Professor of Law at the University of Michigan, is being nominated by President Joseph Biden to serve as assistant secretary for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). If Schlanger is confirmed by the U.S. Senate, she will take a leave of absence

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Penn State Dickinson Law students train to become court-appointed advocates in new class

September 27, 2021

PENN STATE NEWS — Penn State Dickinson Law second-year law students Aranda Stathers, Aria Plants and Ezza Ahmed were sworn in as court-appointed special advocates (CASA) on Tuesday, Sept. 7, at the Cumberland County Courthouse. The three students inaugurated a new collaboration with CASA offering second-year Dickinson Law students a one-credit experiential learning course called Introduction

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University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law receives grant for court observation project

September 22, 2021

WILLIAM H. BOWEN SCHOOL OF LAW — The UA Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law has received a $1 million grant from Walmart, Inc. The grant will fund a Court Observation Project through Bowen’s new Center for Racial Justice and Criminal Justice Reform. The Project will introduce a state-wide court observation initiative that will create

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UCLA Law students help Yurok Tribe to reclaim food sovereignty

September 22, 2021

DAILY BRUIN — Three UCLA law students helped a Native American tribe in California navigate decades of legal framework that inhibited their food sovereignty. The Yurok Tribe’s ancestral territory stretches through Northern California, including a reservation along the Klamath River. As a result of colonialism, Yurok territory was forcibly reduced to what is now the current Yurok Reservation,

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CSU Cleveland-Marshall Law Pretrial Justice Clinic student Kailey Leary advocates for bail reform at Ohio state legislature

September 21, 2021

CSU CLEVELAND-MARSHALL COLLEGE OF LAW — CSU Cleveland-Marshall College of Law 3L student Kailey Leary had the opportunity to advocate for Senate Bill 182, bail reform legislation being considered by Ohio’s state legislature as part of the CSU C|M|LAW Criminal Justice Center’s new Pretrial Justice Clinic.

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Two University of Michigan Law students awarded Equal Justice Works fellowships

September 21, 2021

MICHIGAN DAILY — Two Michigan Law students and one recent alumna have been recognized for their dedication to the public interest by Equal Justice Works, a nonprofit organization that connects law students with public interest opportunities throughout the country. Anna Hall, ’19, has been awarded a prestigious two-year Fellowship, while rising 2L Mitchell Forbes has been

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