Aspen Publishing begins podcast series hosted by St. Mary’s University Law dean Patty Roberts

January 31, 2023

GLOBAL NEWSWIRE — Aspen Publishing, an innovative and leading provider of educational content and digital learning solutions to law schools, today announced the launch of the Aspen Leading Edge podcast series, hosted by Patty Roberts, Dean of the St. Mary’s University School of Law.

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Podcast: University of Chicago Law professors Geoffrey Stone and Leah Litman and University of Michigan professor Aziz Huq discuss developments in Constitutional Law

January 31, 2023

ASPEN LEADING EDGE — Geoffrey Stone, University of Chicago, Leah Litman, University of Michigan, and Aziz Huq, University of Chicago are co-authors of the upcoming Ninth Edition of their Constitutional Law casebook with Aspen Publishing. In this episode, they discuss the important coverage in their new edition, including the Dobbs decision, and religion clause.

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Podcast: Advice for students seeking judicial clerkships

January 31, 2023

UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA SCHOOL OF LAW — Senior Director of Judicial Clerkships Ruth Payne ’02 offers insight into how UVA Law students and alumni continue to break records when it comes to securing judicial clerkships. Payne breaks down the application process, details the support and guidance provided by faculty and staff, and shares why keeping

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Podcast: Rutgers Law students discuss the uncertainty of DACA

January 27, 2023

RUTGERS LAW — Co-Dean Rose Cuison-Villazor is joined by Admir Molic RLAW’24 and Miguel Tapia Colin RLAW’24 as they discuss the changing climate and uncertainty surrounding DACA. The Power of Attorney is produced by Rutgers Law School.

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Podcast: Advice on improving grades after the first semester of law school

January 25, 2023

LAW SCHOOL TOOLBOX — Welcome back to the Law School Toolbox podcast! Today, we’re excited to have one of our tutors, Nicola Rossi, joining us to talk about how to improve your academic performance in the second semester if you’re disappointed with your first semester grades.

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Podcast: Rutgers Law co-dean Kimberly Mutcherson and UC Berkeley dean Erwin Chemerinsky discuss affirmative action and the US Supreme Court

January 24, 2023

RUTGERS LAW — Co-Dean Kimberly Mutcherson is joined by Erwin Chemerinsky, President of the AALS and Dean of Berkeley Law, who shares his thoughts and perspectives on the Supreme Court and the future of affirmative action at American universities and law schools.

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Podcast: Rutgers Law co-dean Kimberly Mutcherson discusses the treatment of judicial clerks with attorney Aliza Shatzman

January 24, 2023

RUTGERS LAW — Aliza Shatzman, attorney and advocate based in Washington DC, joins Co-Dean Kim Mutcherson for a conversation about judicial accountability, particularly with regards to the ethical treatment of judicial clerks.

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Podcast: Rutgers Law co-dean Rose Cuison-Villazor discusses the school’s cannabis law program with its directors

January 24, 2023

RUTGERS LAW — Co-Dean Rose Cuison-Villazor sits down with Vanessa Williams, Assistant Dean of New Programs at Rutgers Law School, and Brendon Robinson, President and Co-Founder of the Minority Cannabis Academy, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that focuses on the professional development and technical training of minorities and disenfranchised communities impacted by the “War on Drugs.”

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Seattle Law dean Anthony Varona discusses his path to law school leadership

January 24, 2023

SEATTLE LAW — Seattle Law Dean Anthony Varona joins the Talking Legal Ed Podcast to discuss his path to becoming a law dean.

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A look at the importance of lawyer mental health and wellness

January 17, 2023

YOUNG LAWYER RISING — The demanding hours and stressful work environments of the legal industry can often have detrimental effects on lawyers and legal professionals. Mental health issues among lawyers are notoriously prevalent, as are suicide, substance abuse and addiction.So, what exactly attributes to the severe stress, high burnout rates and mental health concerns among lawyers?

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