Podcast: How to teach effective communication during law school
LEGAL TALK NETWORK — Law school graduates probably know the law pretty well. But putting that knowledge to work takes more. Learn to communicate and listen.
Read More about Podcast: How to teach effective communication during law schoolCase Western Reserve Law hosts podcast on the indictment of Vladmir Putin by the International Criminal Court
CASE WESTERN RESERVE LAW — In this week’s “Talking Foreign Policy” podcast, Dean Michael Scharf of Case Western Reserve University School of Law has assembled an expert panel including the Executive Director of the International Bar Association, a former Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court, and a Nobel Peace Prize-nominated peace negotiator, for a discussion…
Read More about Case Western Reserve Law hosts podcast on the indictment of Vladmir Putin by the International Criminal CourtPodcast: Rutgers Law co-dean Rose Cuison-Villazor discusses law school and public interest with ACLU-NJ legal director Jeanne LoCicero
RUTGERS LAW — Co-Dean Rose Cuison-Villazor is joined by Jeanne LoCicero, Legal Director of the ACLU of New Jersey. Jeanne recounts her early advocacy years as an undergraduate in Douglass College at Rutgers University, which led her to Rutgers Law School and on to the ACLU as both on staff and as a client.
Read More about Podcast: Rutgers Law co-dean Rose Cuison-Villazor discusses law school and public interest with ACLU-NJ legal director Jeanne LoCiceroPodcast: Samford University Cumberland Law professor Brannon Denning discusses his work on the casebook American Constitutional Law: Powers and Liberties
SAMFORD UNIVERSITY CUMBERLAND LAW — Brannon Denning, Cumberland School of Law, talks about the seventh edition of American Constitutional Law: Powers and Liberties which he succeeded Calvin Massey. He talks about what drew him to the casebook in the first place and what revisions he’s made. Brannon also discusses what it’s like to teach his…
Read More about Podcast: Samford University Cumberland Law professor Brannon Denning discusses his work on the casebook American Constitutional Law: Powers and LibertiesPodcast: Western New England Law professor Julie Steiner discusses how to use digital tools in the classroom
WESTERN NEW ENGLAND LAW — Julie Steiner, Western New England Law, talks about the progression of incorporating digital learning in the classroom and the benefits of using digital tools to teach. She also tells the origin story of PracticePerfect Torts, how she uses it in her classroom, and what results she has seen from using…
Read More about Podcast: Western New England Law professor Julie Steiner discusses how to use digital tools in the classroomPodcast: Ohio State University Law professor Amy Schmitz and Stanford Law professor Janet Martinez discuss their upcoming book Divided Community Project
THE ASPEN LEADING EDGE PODCAST — The Aspen Leading Edge Podcast features timely interviews with Aspen Authors as well as other legal thought-leaders sharing expert opinions on teaching, learning science, and the current and future state of legal education.
Read More about Podcast: Ohio State University Law professor Amy Schmitz and Stanford Law professor Janet Martinez discuss their upcoming book Divided Community ProjectPodcast: How law students can access mental health resources
ABA LAW STUDENT PODCAST — Law school, bar prep, and the legal profession in general can be hard on mental health, but there is help through Lawyer Assistance Programs that even law students can access. DeMario Thornton talks with Molly Ranns about the services and support available to help law students and professionals cope with…
Read More about Podcast: How law students can access mental health resourcesPodcast: Pace Law third year student Kaitlin Campinini offers advice for new law students
LEGAL TENZER — In this episode, Pace Law School graduating senior, Kaitlin Campini reflects on her experience as a law student and provides saga advice for current law students and those about to enter law school.
Read More about Podcast: Pace Law third year student Kaitlin Campinini offers advice for new law studentsPodcast: New England Law professor Lawrence Friedman discusses how legal education is reacting to new digital innovations
NEW ENGLAND LAW — Lawrence Friedman, Professor at New England Law, gives his perspective on how lawyers and law schools are adapting and changing to the new digital world, including what challenges may arise when including A.I. in the classroom. Lawrence also talks about the process of writing the third edition of his casebook, Modern…
Read More about Podcast: New England Law professor Lawrence Friedman discusses how legal education is reacting to new digital innovationsPodcast: Rutgers Law co-dean Kimberly Mutcherson speaks with ABA president Deborah Enix-Ross
RUTGERS LAW — On Law Day 2023, Deborah Enix-Ross, Senior Advisor to the International Dispute Resolution Group of Debovoise & Plimpton, joins Co-Dean Kim Mutcherson to talk about her role as the American Bar Association President and the importance of alternative dispute resolution (ADR).
Read More about Podcast: Rutgers Law co-dean Kimberly Mutcherson speaks with ABA president Deborah Enix-Ross