Podcast: University of Dayton Law student Sarah Covington discusses hybrid law school experience

August 10, 2023

UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON LAW — Welcome back to the Law School Toolbox podcast! Today, we have Sarah Covington, one of the authors of Digitally Remastered: Modern Law School, with us to talk about the book and the online law school experience.

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Podcast: How generative artificial intelligence and ChatGPT could influence the legal profession

August 9, 2023

DIGITAL DETECTIVES — We all know generative AI is making significant waves all over the world, but lawyers need to take a hard look at its implications in the law and their own legal practice. John Simek and Sharon Nelson welcome Doug Austin to discuss AI technologies and their impacts on attorneys.

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Podcast: TSU Thurgood Marshall Law professors Martin Levy and Craig Jackson discuss founding of the school and constitutional law casebook

August 8, 2023

ASPEN LEADING EDGE — Martin Levy and Craig Jackson, both of Thurgood Marshall School of Law, share what sets their book, Constitutional Law: Cases and Materials, apart from the other Constitutional Law textbooks.

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Podcast: University of Miami Law professor Jill Barton and St. John’s Law professor Rachel Smith discuss legal writing handbook

August 8, 2023

ASPEN LEADING EDGE — Jill Barton, University of Miami, and Rachel Smith, St, John’s University discuss the third edition of their book, The Handbook for the New Legal Writer, and the addition of mindfulness icons throughout the book.

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University of Michigan Law assistant dean Sarah Zearfoss discusses the future of law school admissions

July 25, 2023

STATUS CHECK WITH SPIVEY — In this episode of Status Check with Spivey, Mike continues his conversation with Dean Sarah Zearfoss (also known as “Dean Z”), who in her role as Senior Assistant Dean at the University of Michigan Law School has overseen the admissions office for the past 23 years. Dean Z also hosts the popular law

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Podcast: Trustees from Golden Gate Law work to keep the school open

July 13, 2023

AUDACY — The 122-year-old Golden Gate University School of Law will keep its doors open for a little longer, despite continued financial woes. KCBS Radio’s Mike DeWald reports, trustees are hoping to find a plan to pay down tens of millions of dollars of debt.

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Podcast: How law firms can use recruiting techniques to improve diversity

July 11, 2023

LEGAL SPEAK — In this week’s episode, Lloyd Freeman, chief diversity officer at Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, discusses where Big Law firms are moving the needle the most when it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion—as well as where they’re continuing to fall short.

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Podcast: UNLV Law professor Joe Regalia discusses how he built a program to build students legal writing and research skills

July 10, 2023

UNLV LAW — Joe Regalia, University of Nevada Las Vegas, shares why he started Write.law and the ways he has seen it implemented in classrooms. He also shares his opinion on ChatGPT, what it means for the future of legal education, and why we should feel empowered by it.

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Podcast: How to gain professional experiences while still in law school

June 27, 2023

LAW SCHOOL TOOLBOX — Welcome back to the Law School Toolbox podcast! Today, we’re excited to have John Passmore – a practicing attorney and one of our Law School Toolbox writers – with us to talk about some ways that law students can get involved in the legal profession.

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Podcast: Boston University Law professor Jay Wexler discusses his book on cannabis law

June 27, 2023

BOSTON UNIVERSITY LAW — The Record spoke with BU Law Professor Jay Wexler about his recently published book, Weed Rules: Blazing the Way to a Just and Joyful Marijuana Policy (UC Irvine Press 2023), which suggests a new approach to cannabis policy that focuses on promoting equity and recognizing the benefits of cannabis.

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