Gift to Albany Law will provide scholarships for students giving back to their community

March 28, 2023

ALBANY LAW — After nearly 40 years of volunteer fire service, Christopher Steadman wanted to help students at his alma mater. The former Albany-area attorney now living in New Hampshire specifically aimed to support volunteer or on-call firefighters and medical responders and/or non-traditional Albany Law School students since, beyond battling blazes, he pursued his law

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UC Irvine Law opens center for labor research

March 28, 2023

UC IRVINE LAW — The University of California, Irvine has opened a new campus center that will provide timely and policy-relevant labor research, will educate the next generation of labor and community leaders, and will advance labor and workers’ rights initiatives. Modeled after existing centers at UCLA, UC Berkeley and UC Merced, the UCI Labor

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Washington & Lee Law commits funds to Path to Public Interest Program

March 28, 2023

WASHINGTON & LEE LAW — W&L Law has announced the creation of a program to guarantee financial support for current students and graduates interested or serving in public interest and government careers. The Path to Public Interest Program (PPIP) will supply over $330,000 in funds annually toward employment in public service positions.

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UIC Law launches strategic agenda program with members of North Carolina judicial branch

March 21, 2023

UIC LAW — The UIC Law Office of Professionalism & Engagement, in conjunction with the Office of the Dean, launched the Strategic Agenda of the Illinois Judicial Branch by hosting their program: “Charting the Course: Innovations and Transformations within the Illinois Judicial Branch.” UIC Law is the first law school in the State of Illinois

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Pace Law Sustainable Business Law Hub partners with law firm to provide internship experiences and scholar program

March 21, 2023

PACE LAW — As part of its recently launched Sustainable Business Law Hub, a new initiative through which Haub Law students will be trained to become the first generation of “sustainable business lawyers,” the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University has collaborated with prestigious firms and companies to offer students paid internship opportunities

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Penn Law launches Advocacy for Racial and Civil Justice Clinic

March 21, 2023

PENN CAREY LAW — University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School recently launched the Advocacy for Racial and Civil Justice Clinic. The ARC Justice Clinic is the newest addition to Penn Carey Law’s Gittis Legal Clinics. The legal clinic will allow trained students to provide legal services and obtain hands-on experience in civil rights litigation and

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Cornell Law to launch center for entrepreneurship law

March 14, 2023

CORNELL LAW — A new center for entrepreneurship – operating both in Ithaca and on the Cornell Tech campus in New York City – will deepen Cornell Law School’s commitment to supporting entrepreneurship initiatives through clinical education. With the support of a transformative gift from Franci J. Blassberg, and Joseph L. Rice III, the Blassberg-Rice

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Fordham Law welcomes new members to public interest scholars program

March 7, 2023

FORDHAM LAW — This spring, Fordham Law School welcomed Grey Berkowitz and Taylor Young-Wells into the Stein Scholars Program in Public Interest Law and Ethics. The program is designed to cultivate the next generation of public interest lawyers through academic and specialized discussion series, mentorships, and volunteer work with public interest organizations. Selected students with

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LSU Law partners with Louisiana Parole Project to provide support to formerly incarcerated persons

March 7, 2023

LSU LAW — After being released from prison, Andrew Hundley co-founded the Louisiana Parole Project, a non-profit organization that provides reentry support to people who have served long prison sentences. Andrew’s organization now works directly with LSU students to raise awareness and advocate for people who have served long prison sentences.

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A look at the UNLV Law Indian Nations Gaming and Governance Program

March 7, 2023

UNLV LAW — The William S. Boyd School of Law at UNLV unveiled the Indian Nations Gaming and Governance program (INGG) following a substantial gift from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians in early 2020. Then just as the school was set to further boost its reputation as a leader in tribal law, gaming,

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