Yale Law Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic announces Local News Initiative
YALE LAW SCHOOL — The Media Freedom and Information Access (MFIA) Clinic at Yale Law School has announced a new program, the Local News Initiative. The Local News Initiative is being launched to address an unmet need. “While society today increasingly obtains its news and information online, journalists working locally and for online publishers often have limited access to…
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EAST OREGONIAN — The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press announced Tuesday its “Local Legal Initiative” launch in Oregon. The initiative will place lawyers in five states — Colorado, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Tennessee — to provide pro bono legal support to help local media defend against legal threats and lawsuits, assist with public records and court…
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SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF LAW — Starting with the Class of 2023, students in Syracuse University College of Law’s residential J.D. program will have the option of spending their third year entirely off-campus while still taking courses from College of Law faculty. Specifically, students in good standing will have the option to enroll in the “Third…
Read More about Syracuse Law announces third-year off-campus program for J.D. studentsVermont Law launches legal food hub to provide services to farmers and food-related businesses
VERMONT LAW SCHOOL — Today Vermont Law School (VLS) and Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) announced the launch of the Vermont Legal Food Hub. Located at VLS’s Center for Agriculture and Food Systems (CAFS) in South Royalton, the program will match income-eligible farmers and business owners with skilled attorneys willing to provide free legal services. The Vermont hub has already recruited…
Read More about Vermont Law launches legal food hub to provide services to farmers and food-related businessesYale Law Liman Center selects Alex Wang as inaugural Curtis-Liman Clinical Fellow
YALE LAW SCHOOL — The Arthur Liman Center for Public Interest Law and the Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization at Yale Law School are pleased to announce that Alex Wang has been selected to be the first Curtis-Liman Clinical Fellow. The fellowship, to begin in the fall of 2020, is designed to enable a law…
Read More about Yale Law Liman Center selects Alex Wang as inaugural Curtis-Liman Clinical FellowVermont Law establishes Environmental Justice Clinic
VERMONT LAW SCHOOL — Vermont Law School announces the establishment of a new Environmental Justice (EJ) Clinic. The program is one of just a few law school clinics in the United States devoted to environmental justice, a practice at the intersection of civil rights and environmental law. Clinic students are already involved in several cases, working in…
Read More about Vermont Law establishes Environmental Justice ClinicAmerican University Washington College of Law Business Law program hosts two-day business bootcamp for students
AMERICAN UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON COLLEGE OF LAW — The two-day bootcamp, presented by the Business Law Program, introduced 1L, 2L, and 3L students to essential business concepts and skills, including interpreting financial statements, distinguishing amongst a variety of business entities, and understanding financing for business ventures.
Read More about American University Washington College of Law Business Law program hosts two-day business bootcamp for studentsUCLA Law will offer Master of Legal Studies degree starting in August 2020
DAILY BRUIN — The MLS program allows non-lawyer professionals the opportunity to obtain an advanced degree that will complement their field of work by taking courses designed specifically for the Legal Studies degree. The program may take between one and four years to complete depending on if students are studying full or part-time. The School of Law…
Read More about UCLA Law will offer Master of Legal Studies degree starting in August 2020University of Colorado Law unveils executive education courses
COLORADO LAW — Attorneys, compliance professionals, and entrepreneurs will deepen their knowledge of legal and business topics this summer through the University of Colorado Law School’s new Executive Education courses. Taught by University of Colorado law and business faculty as well as industry leaders, this summer’s offerings include two courses for ethics and compliance professionals and a…
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