How artificial intelligence is changing the legal profession

April 22, 2024

BUSINESS INSIDER — In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has firmly entered various sectors, including healthcare, technology, and, of course, law. 

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Thomson Reuters launches developer portal for legal technology and risk assessment applications

April 22, 2024

LAW SITES — Thomson Reuters has launched a global Developer Portal giving access to over 100 APIs, providing tax, legal, risk and fraud professionals with tools to more easily integrate their workflows with the company’s technology, data, content and insights.

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How the decline in diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts could affect law firms

April 22, 2024

REUTERS — Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) wasn’t born in 2020, but it certainly became a strategic priority for law firms driven by the birth of the Black Lives Matter movement and the coverage of the protests across the country. 

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A look at Oregon’s program to license paralegals to perform some legal services

April 22, 2024

JPR — Roseburg-based paralegal Brandi Cole is getting ready to take the BAR exam later this month. But that test isn’t to become a lawyer. Instead, she’s aiming to be one of Oregon’s first licensed paralegals.

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How Gen Z could affect work standards and expectations at law firms

April 22, 2024

FOX 40 — A persistent attorney shortage creates a competitive market for legal talent, forcing law firms to re-evaluate their recruitment strategies. 

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Podcast: A look at the future of diversity, equity, and inclusion programs at law firms

April 22, 2024

LEGAL REBELS — The lack of diversity when it comes to race, gender, sexuality, disability and social class within the legal profession is nothing new. However, the last decade has marked a gradual increase in diversity across all fields.

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Wisconsin Bar changes Diversity Clerkship Program following discrimination lawsuit

April 15, 2024

REUTERS — The State Bar of Wisconsin has modified the parameters of a diversity program for law students after a conservative legal advocacy group sued in December, claiming the program discriminates based on race.

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New database allows law clerks to rate experiences serving under judges

April 15, 2024

REUTERS — A new database that allows law clerks to judge their judges has launched aiming to give law students applying for clerkships a better way to learn about the reputations of their potential future bosses before taking a job.

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A look at how artificial intelligence could affect the legal profession

April 8, 2024

WOLTER SKLUWER — GenAI is fast becoming the most recent innovation to stoke fear among a wide range of professionals – including lawyers – that their jobs may become obsolete as the technology becomes more sophisticated and widely adopted. 

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Survey examines how legal professionals use generative artificial intelligence

April 8, 2024

BLOOMBERG LAW — The viability of using generative artificial intelligence to conduct legal research has been heavily critiqued in the legal industry.

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