New Mexico Supreme Court votes to not deny law licenses over immigration status

September 6, 2022

VALDOSTA DAILY TIMES –New Mexico will no longer deny licenses to practice law solely because of an applicant’s citizenship or immigration status, including some aspiring law students who arrived in the U.S. illegally as children.

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A look at reciprocity and the Uniform Bar Exam

September 6, 2022

JDSUPRA — What Exactly Is Bar Reciprocity? Reciprocity is the ability to practice law in a state where you did not take the bar exam. ‘Waiving’ into a state is beneficial for attorneys who plan to practice law in multiple states.

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Former Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer discusses plans as incoming chair of the ABA Rule of Law Initiative Board

August 22, 2022

ABA JOURNAL — Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer plans to spend his retirement teaching seminars at Harvard Law School; writing a book about what he has learned during his long career as a lawyer and jurist; and encouraging high school students to become more active in their government.

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Opinion: Strong law graduate employment could lead to imbalances in the legal profession

August 22, 2022

THE NATIONAL JURIST — The National Association of Law Placement (NALP) recently released employment data for the class of 2021.[1] The numbers highlight an entry-level legal job market that is as robust as it has ever been. Almost 92 percent of law graduates found full-time, long-term employment, tied for the highest rate in more than

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How law firms recruit law students for summer associate positions

August 22, 2022

BLOOMBERG LAW — No network has made a TV series about it yet, but the annual law school recruiting on-campus interviewing season feels like it could rival any high-stakes reality show. This year’s season is now officially underway, and law firms are busy meeting with thousands of law students to select their next class of

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New York requires lawyers to take cybersecurity course as part of their continuing legal education

August 22, 2022

ABA JOURNALS — Lawyers in New York will have to take at least a one-hour cybersecurity course as part of their continuing legal education requirements beginning in July 2023.

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ABA Center for Innovation releases report on advances in legal tech and regulatory innovation

August 22, 2022

ABA JOURNAL –The ABA Center for Innovation on Tuesday released its inaugural Innovation Trends Report, which explores developments in the legal services industry by focusing on internal ABA innovation, advances in legal technology and regulatory innovation.

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Opinion: Why lawyers should teach law school courses

August 15, 2022

LI HERALD — Calling all lawyers: we need you back in law school, now. We need you in classrooms and clinics, in person and on Zoom. Law schools regularly post openings for full-time and adjunct positions. They also need volunteers to serve as role models and mentors, to help inspire students so they excel in

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Yale Law dean Heather Gerken discusses the benefits of eliminating tuition for students in need

August 9, 2022

ABC NEWS — As students prepare to return to school in the fall, one Ivy League law school has a new scholarship aimed at broadening access to legal education by eliminating tuition for students with financial needs. Yale Law School’s Hurst Horizon Scholarship will erase tuition and pay for college fees and health care costs for law

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Could Collaboration Technology Help Solve the Legal Talent War?

August 9, 2022

THE NATIONAL LAW REVIEW — Collaboration technology, not entirely new to law firms but not yet widely utilized, defines the tools and systems intended to better facilitate working together as a team, both in the office and remotely. Just as the name implies, collaboration technology involves a cooperative effort to break down technological silos across

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