Law firms see political opposition to diversity, equity and inclusion programs

September 18, 2023

REUTERS — More major U.S. law firms are touting practices focused on managing challenges to clients’ corporate diversity programs, even as some firms are fighting a backlash against their own diversity efforts.

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Podcast: How to provide legal aid to survivors of natural disasters

September 18, 2023

TALK JUSTICE — Experts discuss disaster preparedness and the role of civil legal aid in recovery on LSC’s “Talk Justice” podcast. 

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California senate passes anti-treason bill for lawyers

September 18, 2023

REUTERS — California lawmakers have passed new legislation to strengthen regulations to protect against attorney fraud and to require lawyers to inform the state bar if they suspect other lawyers of engaging in seditious conspiracy, insurrection or treason.

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Podcast: A look at remote work in the legal profession

September 18, 2023

LEGAL REBELS — Is it only a matter of time before we’re back to being physically present in the office at least five times per week? 

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Oregon Supreme Court to vote on new attorney licensing options

September 13, 2023

REUTERS — Oregon is poised to become the first U.S. state to adopt a large-scale attorney licensing pathway that does not involve taking and passing the bar exam or graduating from an in-state law school.

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Opinion: How the values of new lawyers could change the legal profession

September 13, 2023

BLOOMBERG LAW — The current generation of early career lawyers is, well, different than previous generations. There are plenty of good reasons why newer lawyers are redefining the relationship between identity and work.

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ABA forms group to assess the impact of artificial intelligence on the legal profession

September 6, 2023

REUTERS — With artificial intelligence promising to reshape the practice of law in the coming years, the largest voluntary U.S. attorney membership organization is fielding a team of lawyers to help guide the transformation. The American Bar Association said Monday that it is forming a new group to assess how AI will impact the practice

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ABA president Mary Smith releases statement in support of diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in the legal profession

September 5, 2023

AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION — The American Bar Association is deeply troubled by the recent efforts of some elected officials and advocacy groups to attack diversity programs at law firms.

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Podcast: Why investigations of federal judges should happen more often

September 5, 2023

ABA JOURNAL — After almost 40 years on the bench, Judge Pauline Newman of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has sued her chief, two judge colleagues and the Federal Circuit Judicial Council, following a court committee interviewand a medical records request, which she denied, and a suggestion that she should be suspended from work for one year.

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How new legal professionals can incorporate artificial intelligence into their work

August 21, 2023

BLOOMBERG LAW — Legal education is constantly evolving to equip law students with the skills to succeed. Although the profession itself is often critiqued as a “closed shop,” legal educators have a responsibility to keep pace with technological advancements to help future-proof the next generation of legal professionals.

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