Gift to Quinnipiac Law will establish named chair

February 27, 2024

QUINNIPIAC TODAY — While Pantalena was a student in the School of Law, those lessons in criminal law, contracts, taxation, and other areas were at once wonderful and a bit frightening.

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Quinnipiac Law to host Human Trafficking Awareness Week

February 27, 2024

NBC CONNECTICUT — This week at Quinnipiac University, human trafficking is at the forefront of conversation.

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University of Richmond Law professor Andy Spalding to teach seminar on 2024 Summer Olympics

February 27, 2024

UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND NEWSROOM —  Law professor Andy Spalding will spend two weeks in March as a visiting scholar at Sciences Po Law School in Paris, France.

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Rutgers Law Center for Security, Race, and Rights launches podcast

February 27, 2024

RUTGERS CSRR — The Race and Rights podcast explores the myriad issues that adversely impact the civil and human rights of America’s diverse Muslim, Arab, and South Asian communities here as well as abroad.

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University of St. Thomas Law alumni directory helps build connections with students

February 27, 2024

UNIVERSITY OF ST. THOMAS NEWSROOM — The School of Law’s online alumni directory is an age-old concept. Names and contact information organized into categories and searchable by attribute. But through this very simple platform, the law school is creating impactful connections and building community – for alumni, clients, and current and future students.

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University of San Diego Law professor Justin Brooks recognized for supporting Mexican community

February 27, 2024

USD NEWS CENTER —  University of San Diego (USD) School of Law Professor of Practice Justin Brooks has been honored with the coveted Ohtli Award, the highest recognition granted by the Government of Mexico to those who have supported the Mexican community abroad.

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SIU Law to celebrate 50th Anniversary at gala

February 27, 2024

SIU CARBONDALE NEWS — Five distinguished graduates of the Southern Illinois University School of Law will be honored next month when the law school holds its 50th anniversary gala.

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USC Gould Law professor Jordan Barry co-authors study on antitrust in real estate

February 26, 2024

USC GOULD — A new empirical study co-authored by Professor Jordan Barry presents the first systematic, nationwide evidence that buyer’s agents regularly steer clients away from properties that offer lower buyer’s agent commissions.

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USC Gould Law Tax Institute hosts conference to discuss recent issues in tax law

February 26, 2024

USC GOULD SCHOOL OF LAW — The Tax Institute brought together hundreds of tax professionals at its 2024 conference January 22-24. The continuing legal education institute, titled “Tax Strategies for a Puzzling Environment,” explored the latest industry trends and highlighted changes due to recent legislation and administration changes.

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Stanford Law professor Robert MacCoun publishes book on navigating the age of information

February 26, 2024

STANFORD LAW SCHOOL — Awash in a tsunami of often-conflicting information, people tend to look to experts for guidance on what to believe and what to do. If an expert comes across as highly confident and their opinion dovetails with one’s political views or confirms what one’s social circle tends to believe, then the opinion

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