Gift to Brooklyn Law to establish new professorship

June 17, 2024

BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE — Brooklyn Law School. Brooklyn Law School announced the establishment of the Fagen Professorship on Monday. It is a newly endowed position created through a significant gift from Les Fagen, a veteran trial lawyer and longtime adjunct faculty member at the school.

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University at Buffalo Law dean S. Todd Brown discusses his vision for the school

June 17, 2024

BIZ JOURNALS — “We’re the only law school in the SUNY system, and I think we haven’t been as engaged as ‘New York’s law school’ as we could be,” said S. Todd Brown.

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UC Berkeley Law honors students and project supervisors for excellence in pro bono service

June 13, 2024

BERKELEY LAW — While it can be hard to fully quantify just how committed Berkeley Law students are to public service, some telling metrics do exist. 

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UC Berkeley Law Technology & Public Policy Clinic students work to defend library patrons’ right to privacy

June 13, 2024

BERKELEY LAW — While readers’ access to digital books through software like Amazon’s Kindle may seem key to free-flowing ideas and information, this ease comes at a high cost to readers’ privacy — commercial e-book providers track readers in intimate detail. 

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UC Berkeley Law fellowship supports graduates during their first year of public service work

June 13, 2024

BERKELEY LAW — Berkeley Law’s surging criminal justice program got another boost with the recent launch of the Chris Larsen Justice Fellowship. 

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UCLA Law professor Rick Hasen honored with Peck medal for legal eminence

June 13, 2024

UCLA LAW — Rick Hasen, a UCLA School of Law professor and one of the nation’s leading authorities on election law, voting rights and the preservation of democracy, was named the 2024 recipient of the David W. Peck Senior Medal for Eminence in the Law.

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UC Law San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings) professor Leo Martinez recognized for building connections between legal education and practice

June 13, 2024

UC LAW SAN FRANCISCO — UC Law SF Dean Emeritus Leo P. Martinez ’78 has received the Robert J. Kutak Award from the American Bar Association (ABA)’s Section on Legal Education and Admission to the Bar. 

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UC Law San Francisco professor Ascanio Piomelli honored by AALS Section on Clinical Education

June 13, 2024

UC LAW SAN FRANCISCO — Professor Ascanio Piomelli, a leader in clinical education, has received the Ellmann Memorial Clinical Scholarship Award from the AALS Section on Clinical Education.

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California Western Law professor Nancy Marcus to be inducted into the Case Western Reserve Law Society of Benchers

June 13, 2024

CALIFORNIA WESTERN SCHOOL OF LAW — California Western School of Law (CWSL) is pleased to announce that Nancy Marcus, Associate Professor of Law, will be inducted into Case Western Reserve University School of Law’s Society of Benchers. 

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Case Western University Law partners with Howard University to increase on pipeline program

June 13, 2024

CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW — Bryan Adamson, the David L. Brennan Professor of Law and associate dean of diversity at the School of Law, discussed the law school’s newest partnership to provide scholarship assistance to Howard University, joining several other Historically Black Colleges and Universities in an effort to diversify the student body.

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