Adding Professional Identity to The Law School Curriculum

April 20, 2021

Legal Skills Prof Blog (By Scott Fruehwald) — The author discusses the comments the ABA legal education section received as part of a proposed change to Standard 303. The updated standard would require law schools to provide substantial opportunities for “the development of professional identity.”

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Paving The Way: The First American Women Law Professors

April 20, 2021

TaxProf Blog (By Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares the announcement of Herma Hill Kay’s (UC Berkeley Law) posthumous book, Paving the Way: The First American Women Law Professors. Santa Clara Law professor Patricia Cain edited the book to completion.

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AALS Call for Nominations for Best Article of 2020

April 20, 2021

Indisputably (By John Lande) — The AALS Section on Alternative Dispute Resolution is seeking nominations for the award for best dispute resolution article published in 2020.

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Hierarchies Of Elitism And Gender: The Bluebook And The ALWD Guide

April 13, 2021

TaxProf Blog (By Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares a Pace Law Review article by Professor Steven K. Homer (University of New Mexico Law) that explores the role of elitism and gender bias behind the selection of citation guides.

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CFP: Association for Law, Property & Society

April 13, 2021

The Faculty Lounge (By Kim Krawiec) — Professor Krawiec (Duke Law) shares information regarding the Association for Law, Property & Society’s virtual 2021 Annual Meeting and associated call for papers.

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Call for Proposals for the Third Annual Equality Law Scholars’ Forum

April 13, 2021

The Faculty Lounge (By Bridget Crawford) — Professor Crawford (Pace Law) shares an announcement regarding a call for proposals for the upcoming Equality Law Scholars’ Forum this fall.

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LSAC: Law School Policies And Practices — Justice-Impacted Individuals

April 13, 2021

TaxProf Blog (By Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares an article by Elizabeth Bodamer and Debra Langer (LSAC) that details the results of a survey of law schools admission policies related to individuals impacted by the justice system.

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Noise in Law School Grading

March 31, 2021

The Volokh Conspiracy (By Michael Abramowicz) — Professor Abramowicz (George Washington Law) analyzes an article that explores the quality of grading by law professors and the opportunities that are denied to students when first-year grades are lower than final overall GPAs.

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The Ten Smallest Towns With Law Schools

March 31, 2021

TaxProf Blog (By Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares a chart from National Jurist listing the ten smallest towns with law schools in the US.

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Help Your Provost Help You During Promotion And Tenure Decisions

March 31, 2021

TaxProf Blog (By Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares an article by professor Nancy B. Rapoport (University of Nevada Boyd Law) that explores how law faculty can help make the case for their tenure and promotion when it comes to university-level review.

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