Imposter Syndrome: Law Professors

August 26, 2021

TaxProf Blog (by Paul Caron)  — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares Professor Sara Ochs’ (University of Louisville Law) article “Imposter Syndrome & The Non-Traditional Law Professor” that explores how the hierarchy of legal academia can influence the well-being of law professors teaching legal skills courses.

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Imposter Syndrome: Law Students

August 26, 2021

TaxProf Blog (by Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares a University of Dayton Law Review article by David Grenardo (St. Mary’s Law) where he argues the importance of providing courses that help law students create a positive professional identity.

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Teaching Students the Art of Giving (and Receiving) Feedback and Sharing IDEASS

August 26, 2021

Best Practices for Legal Education (by Kaci Bishop) — Professor Bishop (University of North Carolina Law) highlights the need to teach law students how to give feedback as well as receive feedback.

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Journal Of Legal Education Symposium: Gender Inequity Throughout The Legal Academy

August 17, 2021

TaxProf Blog (by Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares the latest published edition of the Journal of Legal Education focused on gender inequality and the legal academy.

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Wall Street Journal blames law schools for COVID economy

August 17, 2021

Brian Leiter’s Law School Reports (by Michael Simkovic) — Professor Simkovic (USC Gould Law) responds to a Wall Street Journal article focused on law graduate debt and employment outcomes. He argues the authors are using statistics out of context and ignoring data that shows the long-term career benefits of a law degree.

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Wall Street Journal law school analysis overlooks increased diversity and lower interest rates

August 17, 2021

Brian Leiter’s Law School Reports (by Michael Simkovic) — Professor Simkovic (USC Gould Law) provides additional analysis on the recent Wall Street Journal article on law school debt. In addition to discounting the long-term value of legal education, he argues that the authors do not take into account lower interest rates for student loans and changing

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Rosenblatt’s Deans Database is Back!

August 17, 2021

The Faculty Lounge (by Dan Filler) — Dean Filler (Drexel Law) shares news that Rosenblatt’s Deans Database is back online. The database contains information and demographic data on current deans.

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The Median Length Of Service Of The 203 Law School Deans: 3.15 Years

August 17, 2021

TaxProf Blog (by Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares data from Rosenblatt’s Deans Database.

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Gerken: Will Legal Education Change Post-2020?

August 17, 2021

TaxProf Blog (by Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares Yale Law dean Heather Gerken’s Michigan Law Review article that explores how the pandemic has changed legal education and what additional changes we may see in the future.

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Call for Nominations: AALS Federal Courts Section

August 17, 2021

The Faculty Lounge (by Dan Filler) — Dean Filler (Drexel Law) shares a call for nominations from the AALS Section on Federal Courts for a “best article” from an untenured law professor. The award will be presented at the 2020 AALS Annual Meeting.

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