AALS in San Diego 2023! Things to do and plan for! 

December 12, 2022

PrawfsBlawg (by Orly Lobel) — Professor Lobel (University of San Diego Law) shares a list of activities in San Diego for those planning to attend the 2023 AALS Annual Meeting in San Diego.

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Academic and Bar Support Scholarship Spotlight

December 12, 2022

Law School Academic Support Blog (by Steven Foster) –Professor Foster (Oklahoma City University Law) shares the table of contents from the latest issue of the Journal of Legal Education.

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The Impact Of The U.S. News Rankings Boycott On Individual Law Schools

December 12, 2022

TaxProf Blog (by Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares a table including the current and historical rankings of the law schools that have decided to boycott US News rankings.

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School-funded jobs, long-term outcomes, and law school rankings 

December 12, 2022

Brian Leiter’s Law School Reports (by Michael Simkovic) — Professor Simkovic (USC Gould Law) shares how US News methodology for considering graduate employment outcomes has impacted schools’ decisions to boycott US News rankings.

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Standardized test scores and law school rankings

December 12, 2022

Brian Leiter’s Law School Reports (by Michael Simkovic) — Professor Simkovic (USC Gould Law) shares the challenges presented when utilizing standardized testing scores in law school rankings.

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USNews.com ranking boycott update

December 12, 2022

Brian Leiter’s Law School Reports (by Brian Leiter) — Professor Leiter (University of Chicago Law) shares an update on which schools have and have not decided to boycott US News rankings. 

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Theory’s Role in ELS

December 12, 2022

Empirical Legal Studies (by Michael Heise) — Professor Heise (Cornell Law) explains how theory is incorporated into empirical legal studies.

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New Cromwell Article Prize Announced

December 12, 2022

Legal History Blog (by Dan Ernst) — Professor Ernst (Georgetown Law) shares the details for a new award from the William Nelson Cromwell Foundation honoring the best legal history article of the year.

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Maynard on “Killing the Motivation of the Minority Law Professor”

December 12, 2022

The Faculty Lounge (by Bridget Crawford) — Professor Crawford (Pace Law) shares a Minnesota Law Review article by Goldburn P. Maynard Jr. (Indiana University Kelley School of Business) detailing how minority law faculty can come to feel discouraged within their first few years of teaching.

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Mixed motives, many questions as Yale, Harvard “drop out” of the USNWR law rankings 

December 5, 2022

Excess of Democracy (by Derek Muller) — Professor Muller (University of Iowa Law) shares how concerns over employment of graduates, debt metrics, and admissions statistics could have influenced law schools’ decision to boycott the US News rankings.

Read More about Mixed motives, many questions as Yale, Harvard “drop out” of the USNWR law rankings