Law school faculty have aggressively and successfully lobbied to diminish the importance of law school faculty in the USNWR rankings

May 31, 2023

Excess of Democracy (by Derek Muller) — Professor Muller (University of Iowa Law) provides additional analysis on the latest edition of the US News law school rankings. 

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Empirical Legal Studies: CELS 2023 — Call for Papers

May 31, 2023

Empirical Legal Studies (by Michael Heise) — Professor Heise (Cornell Law) shares a call for papers for the 2023 Conference on Empirical Legal Studies to take place at University of Chicago Law in October.  

Read More about Empirical Legal Studies: CELS 2023 — Call for Papers

What Law Schools Must Change To Train Transactional Lawyers

May 31, 2023

TaxProf Blog (by Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares a Pace Law Review article by Stephanie Hunter McMahon (University of Cincinnati Law) that outlines different methods law schools can use teach transactional law concepts to students.  

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GPT-4’s Law School Grades: Con Law C, Crim C-, Law & Econ C, Partnership Tax B, Property B-, Tax B

May 31, 2023

(TaxProf Blog (by Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares an article by several University of Maryland Carey Law professors that looks at how generative artificial intelligence platform GPT-4 performed on several law school final exams. 

Read More about GPT-4’s Law School Grades: Con Law C, Crim C-, Law & Econ C, Partnership Tax B, Property B-, Tax B

Law School Entry-Level Faculty Hiring Is Flat; FAR Applicants Are Down 17% (68% From 2011)

May 30, 2023

(TaxProf Blog) by Paul Caron — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares data and graphics from Sarah Lawsky’s (Northwestern Law) hiring report for entry level law school faculty.

Read More about Law School Entry-Level Faculty Hiring Is Flat; FAR Applicants Are Down 17% (68% From 2011)

Empirical Legal Studies: CELS 2023 — Call for Papers

May 30, 2023

(Empirical Legal Studies) by Michael Heise — Professor Heise (Cornell Law) shares a call for papers for the 2023 Conference on Empirical Legal Studies to take place at University of Chicago Law in October.

Read More about Empirical Legal Studies: CELS 2023 — Call for Papers

What Law Schools Must Change To Train Transactional Lawyers

May 30, 2023

(TaxProf Blog) by Paul Caron — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares a Pace Law Review article by Stephanie Hunter McMahon (University of Cincinnati Law) that outlines different methods law schools can use teach transactional law concepts to students.

Read More about What Law Schools Must Change To Train Transactional Lawyers