Unique–and call for proposals for the AASE Diversity Conference

July 10, 2023

Law School Academic Support Blog (by Liz Stillman) — Professor Stillman (Suffolk Law) shares an experience she had while teaching a class of prospective law students from historically excluded communities. She also shares a call for papers for the AASE Diversity Conference to take place at American University Washington College of Law.  

Read More about Unique–and call for proposals for the AASE Diversity Conference

Can ChatGPT Write A Law Review Article?

July 10, 2023

TaxProf Blog (by Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares an article by Roman M Yankovskiy (Higher School of Economics) that analyzes the ability of ChatGPT to recreate and write an accurate law review article. 

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U.S. News Law School Rankings Panel At Today’s AALS Institutional Advancement Conference

June 26, 2023

TaxProf Blog (by Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares that he will be moderating a panel about US News law school rankings during the AALS Institutional Advancement Conference. The conference took place on June 14 and 15. 

Read More about U.S. News Law School Rankings Panel At Today’s AALS Institutional Advancement Conference

Admitting Law Grads By Bar Exam Versus By A Diploma Privilege: A Comparison Of Consumer Protection

June 26, 2023

TaxProf Blog (by Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares a Journal of the Legal Profession article by William Wesley Patton (USC Gould Law) that explains how alternative licensure methods compare to the bar exam with regard to consumer protection.  

Read More about Admitting Law Grads By Bar Exam Versus By A Diploma Privilege: A Comparison Of Consumer Protection

The Flaws of Implicit Bias — And The Need For Empirical Research In Legal Scholarship And Legal Education

June 26, 2023

TaxProf Blog (by Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares a Journal of the Legal Profession article by Adam Lamparello (Georgia College & State University) that argues the importance of using statistics and empirical research methods in scholarship and teaching related to implicit bias. 

Read More about The Flaws of Implicit Bias — And The Need For Empirical Research In Legal Scholarship And Legal Education

Teaching Leadership In Law Schools

June 26, 2023

TaxProf Blog (by Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares a Journal of the Legal Profession article by Doris Del Tosto Brogan (Villanova Law) that details how law schools can improve leadership education. 

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CFP 2024 AALS Annual Meeting Legislative Attacks on LGBTQ Equality

June 26, 2023

Gender and the Law Blog (by Tracy Thomas) — Professor Thomas (University of Akron Law) shares a call for submissions for a program on legislative attacks on LGBTQ+ equality to take place at the 2024 AALS Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. 

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CFP 2024 AALS Annual Meeting The Challenges of Teaching in a Time of Rising LGBTQ Hostility

June 26, 2023

Gender and the Law Blog (by Tracy Thomas) — Professor Thomas (University of Akron Law) shares a call for proposals for a program on teaching during a time of LGBTQ+ hostility to take place at the 2024 AALS Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. 

Read More about CFP 2024 AALS Annual Meeting The Challenges of Teaching in a Time of Rising LGBTQ Hostility

Study Finds Bar Exam Requirements Greatly Reduce the Number of Lawyers

June 26, 2023

The Volokh Conspiracy (by Ilya Somin) — Professor Somin (George Mason Scalia Law) shares data from a new report detailing how bar exam requirements cause a reduction in the number of lawyers practicing.  

Read More about Study Finds Bar Exam Requirements Greatly Reduce the Number of Lawyers

Call For Papers: AALS 2024–Clinical Section’s program Collaborating to Defend Democracy in Communities Under Attack

June 26, 2023

ImmigrationProf Blog  — The author shares a call for papers for a program on defending democracy to take place during the 2024 AALS Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. 

Read More about Call For Papers: AALS 2024–Clinical Section’s program Collaborating to Defend Democracy in Communities Under Attack