Call for Award Nominations: AALS Federal Courts Section

August 7, 2023

The Faculty Lounge (By Dan Filler) — Dean Filler (Drexel Law) shares the calls for nominations for two awards from the AALS Section on Federal Courts: The Daniel J. Meltzer Award (lifetime achievement) and Best Untenured Article Award.

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ALI Elects New Members

July 24, 2023

The Faculty Lounge (by Bridget Crawford) — Professor Crawford (Pace Law) shares a list of law professors recently elected into the American Law Institute. 

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AALS Online Symposium on New Books in Constitutional Law

July 24, 2023

The Volokh Conspiracy (by Ilya Somin) — Professor Somin (George Mason Law) shares information for the upcoming AALS conference New Books in Constitutional Law.  

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WIP Conference Deadline is Extended Until August 4

July 24, 2023

Indisputably (by John Lande) — Professor Lande (University of Missouri Law) shares that the deadline for submissions for the AALS ADR Section Works-in-Progress Conference has been extended. 

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PrawfsBlawg: Law School Entry-Level Hiring Posting Schedule 2023-2024

July 24, 2023

PrawfsBlawg (by Sarah Lawsky) — Professor Lawsky (Northwestern Law) shares a posting schedule for her 2023-24 Law School Entry-Level Hiring Report.  

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A serious blow for faculty speech in the 4th Circuit in the U.S.

July 24, 2023

Leiter Reports: A Philosophy Blog (by Brian Leiter) — Professor Leiter (University of Chicago Law) explains how a recent 4th Circuit Court decision could affect faculty members’ free speech.  

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Minn. L. Rev. Symposium: Leaving Langdell Behind: Reimagining Legal Education for a New Era

July 24, 2023

Legal Skills Prof Blog (by Scott Fruehwald) — The author shares a collection of articles from a recent Minnesota Law Review symposium themed around the future of legal education.  

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Teaching students how practitioners really think and act

July 24, 2023

Indisputably (by John Lande) — Professor Lande (University of Missouri Law) offers advice on how law professors can help students understand the day-to-day activities of legal professionals.  

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Hierarchy, Race, And Gender In Legal Scholarly Networks

July 24, 2023

TaxProf Blog (by Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares a Stanford Law Review article by Keerthana Nunna, W. Nicholson Price II (University of Michigan Law) and Jonathan Tietz. The article examines footnotes of legal articles in order to analyze the effect of hierarchy, race, and gender within legal scholarship.

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Toussaint: The Purpose Of Legal Education

July 24, 2023

TaxProf Blog (by Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares a California Law Review article by Etienne C. Toussaint (University of South Carolina Law) that looks at the lawyering principles he believes should be incorporated into all aspects of legal education.  

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