Reexamining the Bar Exam

January 22, 2024

PrawfsBlawg (by Daniel Rodriguez) — Professor Rodriguez (Northwestern Law) examines how attorney licensure could change as more alternatives to the bar exam are presented.  

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Centering Disability In The Law School Pedagogy: A Way To Include Disabled Law Students

January 22, 2024

TaxProf Blog (by Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares a Journal of Law and Education article by Ella Maiden that details how professors can make law school more inclusive for students with disabilities. 

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Zoom Workshop for New Legal Writing Scholars

January 22, 2024

Legal Writing Prof Blog (by Mark E. Wojcik) — Professor Wojcik (UIC Law) shares information about an upcoming zoom workshop for new legal writing scholars this May. 

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Kellye Testy Appointed AALS Executive Director and CEO

January 16, 2024

The Faculty Lounge (by Dan Filler) — Professor Filler (Drexel Law) shares the news that Kellye Testy has been appointed the next executive director and CEO of the Association of American Law Schools, effective July 1, 2024. 

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Hard questions about experiential learning and legal education

January 16, 2024

Excess of Democracy (by Derek T. Muller) — Professor Muller (Notre Dame Law) analyzes the current ABA experiential learning requirement for law schools and if it has accomplished its intended goal. 

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PrawfsBlawg: AALS, forward

January 16, 2024

PrawfsBlawg (by Daniel Rodriguez) — Professor Rodriguez (Northwestern Law) provides suggestions for initiatives AALS could take on in the future.  

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NY Times: AI Got Smarter In 2023 (Especially On The LSAT And Bar Exam)

January 16, 2024

TaxProf Blog (by Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares an excerpt from a New York Times essay by Steven Rattner that explores how generative artificial intelligence performed on the LSAT and the bar exam this past year.

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How Has Legal Academia Changed Since Posner on Meltzer?

January 16, 2024

The Volokh Conspiracy (by Orin Kerr) — Professor Kerr (UC Berkeley Law) analyzes how the credentials and background of law faculty have changed since 2007. 

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Law school academic dismissal and conditional scholarship eliminations, 2023

January 16, 2024

Excess of Democracy (by Derek T. Muller) Professor Muller (Notre Dame Law) shares data and on law student attrition rates and scholarship eliminations over the past year. 

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Spring 2024 Law Review Article Submission Guide

January 16, 2024

TaxProf Blog (by Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares news that Nancy Levit and Allen Rostron (UMKC Law) have updated their directory and article submission guidelines for law reviews and journals. 

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