Penn State Dickinson Law students gain international experience in Cuba

January 25, 2016

UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA DICKINSON LAW – A group of students, including five first-year students, joined Professor Pearson for an intersession week of study and travel in Cuba in January 2016. Prior to their departure, the students received a preparatory lecture given by Professor of Law and Russian law scholar William Butler, who introduced comparative legal

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Penn Law alumni elected to Taiwan parliament

January 25, 2016

UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW SCHOOL – In January, two Penn Law alumni were elected to the parliament of Taiwan; Wan-an Chiang LLM’04, L’06 and Chiao-hui Su LLM’07 will be freshman legislators when they take office next month. Both are among the youngest members of Taiwan’s legislature and won in an election in which young voters

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Women dominate ranks of senior law associates in Australia

January 25, 2016

AUSTRALIAN FINANCIAL REVIEW – [W]omen continue to dominate the ranks of senior associates, with the percentage of female senior associates at 61 per cent up from 59 per cent over the year, according to The Australian Financial Review’s bi-annual law partnership survey.

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Widener Delaware Law to send students to Cuba for course on business and emerging economies

January 19, 2016

DELAWARE ONLINE – Widener University announced Tuesday it will be sending students to Cuba as part of a new class being offered by the Delaware Law School. The one-week trip will be part of the three-credit course Business Transactions in Emerging Economies taught by Professor Christine D. Allie.

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Yale Law School students reach final round of international human rights moot court competition

January 19, 2016

YALE LAW SCHOOL – In December 2015, a team of Yale Law School students advanced to the final round of the 2015 Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.

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Case Western Reserve Law partners with Chinese law school on concurrent degree program

January 19, 2016

LLM GUIDE – Cleveland’s Case Western Reserve University School of Law (CWRU) and Zhejiang University’s Guanghua School of Law have announced new concurrent degree programs.

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Law schools across South Korea likely to introduce night classes

January 19, 2016

KBS WORLD RADIO – Law schools across the country will likely provide night classes beginning as early as 2017, while the Korea National Open University (KNOU) may be allowed to open a law program.

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Japanese law schools continue to face enrollment crisis

January 19, 2016

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL – “Law schools are now facing an unprecedented crisis,” writes University of Tsukuba researcher* Masahiro Tanaka in the Asian Journal of Legal Education. In 2004, the number of applicants to Japanese law schools was 72,800. In 2014, says Mr. Tanaka, the figure had fallen to 11,450.

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Funding cuts to legal aid in U.K. negatively affects job market and access to justice

January 19, 2016

THE GUARDIAN – Since the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (Laspo) came into force in April 2013, the number of cases granted legal aid in the UK has dwindled. The previous year, 275,678 social welfare cases were granted funding; by 2014/15, that annual figure had shrunk to 54,635.

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China Law Society moves forward with unified qualifying exam for lawyers in 2021

January 19, 2016

SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST — The Law Society has pushed ahead with a controversial plan for a unified qualifying exam for solicitors in 2021, drawing criticism for bypassing an ongoing comprehensive government review of legal training in the city.

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