USC Gould Law faculty submits amicus briefs on national and international court cases

August 28, 2020

USC GOULD SCHOOL OF LAW — When they’re not sharing their knowledge in the classroom or through research, USC Gould School of Law professors bring their expertise to bear by filing amicus curiae briefs, informational documents with the potential to influence court decisions all over the world.

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A look at Washington University Law’s dual-degree program with Fudan University

August 28, 2020

WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST. LOUIS — The Washington University in St. Louis School of Law is entering the second year of its partnership with the Fudan University Law School in China. The program allows a cohort of students from Fudan to study at the School of Law.

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Federal guidance bars new international students from entering US if taking online-only classes

August 4, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — New U.S. immigration guidance clarifies that new international students — unlike continuing international students — cannot come to American colleges to take a “100 percent” online course load this fall.

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Harvard University and University of Southern California advise new international students against coming to the US for online classes amid federal restrictions

July 29, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Two universities tell new international students not to come to U.S. to take classes remotely, as higher ed groups lobby for greater clarity — and flexibility — on federal policy for new students from abroad.

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AALS and other higher education associations join brief challenging ICE directive on international students in online classes

July 24, 2020

AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION — ACE and 70 other higher education associations filed a brief this morning supporting the first of several legal challenges to the Trump administration’s new directive which, among other things, prohibits international students from remaining in the United States if their colleges hold courses online-only this fall as the country continues dealing with the

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DHS and ICE rescind policy barring international students from online classes

July 24, 2020

TECH CRUNCH — The Trump administration has backed down from plans to revoke visas of international students studying in the U.S. whose schools planned to provide their classes exclusively online in the fall because of the coronavirus pandemic.

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After pending litigation, Trump administration stops plan to revoke visas of foreign students in online-only classes

July 24, 2020

ABA JOURNAL — The Trump administration has dropped plans to revoke visas of foreign college students who are taking all online courses this fall, a federal judge announced on Tuesday.

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Even after reversal, government regulations for international students remain unclear

July 24, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — The unexpected reversal earlier this week by the Trump administration of a policy that would have prohibited international students from taking an exclusively online course load was good news for current students, but it leaves unresolved questions about new international students seeking to attend colleges operating in online or hybrid formats.

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Fordham Law China Law Society hosts symposium on legal clashes and cooperation between US and China

July 22, 2020

FORDHAM UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW — The student-led Fordham China Law Society persevered through three months of uncertainty, rescheduling, and technical learning curves to virtually host its first annual symposium, titled “Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments between China and the U.S.,” on June 18. Five attorneys were invited to discuss how the recognition and enforcement of foreign

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Lewis and Clark Law Earthrise Law Center files lawsuit to protect Maui dolphins

July 22, 2020

LEWIS AND CLARK LAW SCHOOL — On May 21, 2020, Earthrise, and their co-counsel Sea Shepherd Legal, filed a lawsuit on behalf of Sea Shepherd New Zealand and Sea Shepherd Conservation Society challenging the U.S. government’s failure to protect New Zealand’s critically endangered Māui dolphin.

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