Duke Law professor Anne Gordon advises law faculty on addressing implicit bias in the classroom

April 1, 2021

INSIDE HIGHER ED — In “Better Than Our Biases: Using Psychological Research to Inform Our Approach to Inclusive, Effective Feedback,” I describe how clinical law faculty can examine their biases, consider how those biases shape the experiences of underrepresented students in law schools, and take active steps to mitigate those biases in classrooms.

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Iowa state legislators introduce bill to ban diversity trainings and courses

April 1, 2021

INSIDE HIGHER ED — President Biden killed a controversial Trump-era executive order banning “divisive concepts” in federally funded diversity training upon taking office. Now Iowa legislators are seeking to revive the ban within their state. They’ve made some significant progress.

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Baylor University acknowledges racist legacy of namesake

April 1, 2021

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Baylor University published Tuesday an independent historical report that outlines past slave ownership and support for the Confederacy by Baylor’s namesake and two founders, facts not previously acknowledged by the university, according to a summary of the report.

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National Association of Colleges and Employers projects increase in college graduate employment rate

March 31, 2021

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES AND EMPLOYERS — Employers project hiring 7.2% more new college graduates from the Class of 2021 than they hired from the Class of 2020, according to NACE’s Job Outlook 2021 Spring Update. That’s a sharp increase from fall 2020, when employers expected to reduce college hiring slightly.

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Northwestern University publishes virtual highlighting international achievements and milestones

March 31, 2021

NORTHWESTERN — This week, the Office of the Vice President for International Relations launched a new online tool highlighting Northwestern’s rich global history, from the time of its founding to the present day. Many of the events listed mark important global milestones; others showcase unique, memorable, and proud moments.

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Rutgers University to require COVID-19 vaccine for on-campus students this fall

March 31, 2021

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Rutgers University announced Thursday that it would require students to be vaccinated against COVID-19 before coming to campus next fall. The public institution in New Jersey may be the first or at least among the first universities to take the step of mandating students receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

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Students reflect on college experience during the pandemic

March 31, 2021

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Trying to get a pulse on students’ satisfaction this academic year to better support them has been like dreaming an impossible dream. As college and university leaders have reopened campuses, following meticulous plans with 100-page summaries, student feedback has been positive, negative and in between.

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Colleges plan use of COVID-19 recovery funds

March 31, 2021

INSIDE HIGHER ED — The nation’s nonprofit institutions are set to get about $36 billion from the package. The text of the legislation stipulates that colleges and universities must spend at least half the money they receive on emergency aid to students. However, some institutions are considering allocating more than that to students.

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University of California system secures open-access deal with publisher for journals

March 31, 2021

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Yesterday, the UC system and Elsevier announced the details of their agreement. Under the new deal, which is the largest of its kind in North America, all UC lead authors will be given the opportunity to publish accepted works in Elsevier journals openly so that anyone can read them without paying.

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Survey of college presidents finds confidence in institutions heading out of the pandemic

March 31, 2021

INSIDE HIGHER ED — You don’t have to look far to find troubling signs for colleges and universities. In the last week, Mills College became the latest small private college to say it will close, and several other four-year and two-year colleges announced significant layoffs or discontinued programs.

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