Colleges evaluate pre-pandemic remote work policies

May 10, 2021

THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION — Committees at colleges and universities across the country are evaluating the future of work, asking to what extent staff and some faculty members could remain virtual and what that would mean for life on campus and off. There are broad implications, for example, for recruiting and campus density.

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Colleges weigh benefits of mandating vaccines for on-campus students, faculty, and staff

May 3, 2021

ABC NEWS — At least 80 colleges and universities have announced plans to require COVID-19 vaccinations according to a count from The Chronicle of Higher Education, but a greater number have said outright that they will not. Republican governors in Utah, Texas, Florida and Montana have already signed orders banning institutions from mandating proof of vaccination.

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Report finds colleges often overlook graduate student mental health

May 3, 2021

INSIDE HIGHER ED — The well-being of graduate students has been overlooked, a new report argues. How can administrations support this population?

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Biden administration proposes free community college and expansion of Pell Grants

May 3, 2021

INSIDE HIGHER ED — President Biden wants $109 billion for two-year colleges, $80 billion addition for Pell Grants, $62 billion for retention and completion efforts, and $39 billion for two free years at minority-serving institutions for most students.

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Higher education leaders support Biden administration’s American Families Plan

May 3, 2021

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Reactions in higher education to President Biden’s proposal for tuition-free community college, increased Pell Grants and tuition aid for students at minority-serving institutions have been largely positive, but the plan won’t be easy to get through Congress.

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College student activists call for changes in response to anti-Asian hate

April 30, 2021

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Asian and Asian American student activists across the country want to bring about changes to curricula and campus life.

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University of Miami Law hosts free online summer legal academy for high school students

April 30, 2021

UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF LAW — The University of Miami School of Law offers two separate online summer legal academies to rising high school juniors and seniors and to undergraduate college students at no cost. Miami Law hopes the July 5 to July 23 program will provide students in both groups the opportunity to broaden their understanding of both

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California university systems mandate COVID-19 vaccination for on-campus students and staff this fall

April 29, 2021

NPR — The California State University and University of California systems announced on Thursday that all 33 campuses will require students and staff returning for in-person instruction this fall to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The new directive will go into effect once the Food and Drug Administration gives “full approval” to a vaccine.

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Former Temple University business school dean faces federal charges for falsifying US News rankings data

April 29, 2021

INSIDE HIGHER ED — What began in January 2018 as a small scandal involving false data submitted to U.S. News & World Report for rankings escalated Friday: the former dean of Temple University’s business school “conspired and schemed to deceive the school’s applicants, students, and donors…,” according to the Justice Department.

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Colleges offer incentives for students to get COVID-19 vaccinations

April 29, 2021

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Colleges are giving out a wide range of freebies – gift cards, T-shirts, free courses or hard cash – for students who can show proof of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Decisions about whether to incentivize the vaccine are fraught with ethical questions for scholars and campus leaders.

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