State support for colleges increases as federal aid and tuition revenue decrease 

May 13, 2024

THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION — State support for public colleges continued to rise last year, surpassing pre-Great Recession levels for only the second year since 2008, according to the latest annual State Higher Education Finance report compiled by the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association.

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How historical university protests have informed policies on campus protests

May 13, 2024

ABC NEWS — About 56 years ago, Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall was overrun and occupied by student protesters calling for an end to what students called racist policies that displaced communities around the school’s campus.

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How student protests could affect college graduations

May 13, 2024

NPR — Many of this year’s graduating college students were looking forward to their first formal commencement ceremony.

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California colleges consider how to interpret in-state tuition laws for undocumented students

May 13, 2024

ED SOURCE — More than 20 years ago, California passed a law allowing some undocumented immigrant students to attend college with in-state tuition, if they meet certain requirements.

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How to help graduate student teachers develop a teaching style

May 13, 2024

INSIDE HIGHER ED — According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, roughly 135,000 graduate students work as teaching assistants in higher education institutions across the country. 

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US Education Department releases guidance on combatting antisemitism on campuses

May 13, 2024

INSIDE HIGHER ED — The Education Department is clarifying how exactly colleges and universities can comply with federal civil rights law as campuses continue to see antiwar protests and encampments and Jewish students continue to report feeling unsafe following a rise in antisemitic incidents across the country.

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Opinion: Why educational institutions should continue to invest in diversity, equity, and inclusion programs

May 13, 2024

THE HECHINGER REPORT — Education has become a major battleground for the attempted anti-racist paradigm shift of diversity, equity and inclusion work; mirroring society, this work remains stuck in a cycle of advancement and retaliation.

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University tests a method of paying adjunct professors based on the number of students in their class

May 13, 2024

THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION — Donna Bain Butler, an adjunct professor in world languages and literatures at Delaware State University, was surprised to learn this semester that she would be receiving a pay cut after the university decided to pay adjunct faculty members based on the number of students enrolled in their classes. In

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Advice on applying for Fulbright scholarships

May 6, 2024

U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT — The Fulbright program has encouraged individuals from the U.S. and more than 160 other countries to study, teach or conduct research abroad while sharing ideas, building mutual understanding and fostering friendly international relations.

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Federal Student Aid chief Richard Cordray steps down amid major delays in FAFSA process

May 6, 2024

INSIDE HIGHER ED — The Federal Student Aid chief and debt-relief czar is stepping down after months of criticism over the bungled FAFSA overhaul. But is now the right time for accountability?

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