Some businesses recruit employees before they begin their degree

June 27, 2022

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL — Early recruiting—before students and prospective employers see how they take to business school—reflects the fierce competition for fresh talent in consulting

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How legacy of slavery affects colleges today

June 27, 2022

NY BOOKS — At the end of April, with the release of its “Report of the Presidential Committee on Harvard and the Legacy of Slavery,” Harvard made headlines by announcing that it would devote $100 million to remedying “the harms of the university’s ties to slavery.” It was the latest effort by a venerable university

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College enrollment declines while selective schools see record number of applications

June 15, 2022

NPR — The number of undergraduate students enrolled in college has declined by 9.4% during the pandemic — the biggest drop in more than half a century, according to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. Meanwhile, some of the most selective schools in the country saw a record number of applicants. What could explain these

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More companies are offering assistance in paying off student loans

June 15, 2022

THE WASHINGTON POST — In a tight labor market, where competition for workers is fierce, companies are making a play to attract and retain employees by offering to pay their student loans.

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Universities once again adopt mask mandates as COVID-19 cases rise

June 15, 2022

INSIDE HIGHER ED — The University of California, Los Angeles, restored its indoor mask mandate last week, joining the University of Hawai‘i system, Pennsylvania State University (for both the main campus and 13 others), and other colleges and universities.

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Survey: Parents have a major influence over admissions decisions

June 15, 2022

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Parents matter more than in the past in the college admissions process, according to a survey by EAB, being released today, of 4,848 high school seniors who graduated in 2021.

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Black parents are disproportionately burdened by parent PLUS loans

June 15, 2022

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Black parents are disproportionately burdened by Parent PLUS borrowing, a new study finds, leading to deeper racial inequities in student loan borrowing and higher education at large.

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Required diversity statements in college applications are facing legal challenges

June 15, 2022

THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION — Brian Soucek, a law professor at the University of California at Davis, assures readers that diversity statements “are constitutional — at least if they are done the right way” and reveals that the University of California is changing its approach to their utilization accordingly.

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The challenges of mentoring and supporting students in online programs

June 15, 2022

INSIDE HGHER ED — Effectively mentoring students online is hard. And given the increasing enrollments in online degree programs over the last decade, along with the number of students suddenly pushed online during the pandemic, university professors now face an unprecedented challenge: When you don’t see many of your students often in person, how do

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Podcast: How Americans view the cost and value of higher education

June 14, 2022

AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION — With the midterm elections looming and the debate over who benefits from student loan forgiveness heating up, what are voters thinking about the value of a college education in 2022? Kristen Soltis Anderson, pollster and author of The Selfie Vote, joins the podcast to talk about the American public’s perception

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