Colleges struggle to fill jobs with smaller candidate pool

July 25, 2022

THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION — While higher education has largely recovered nearly all of its pandemic-associated job losses, the task of recruiting and hiring administrators and staff members has become a daunting one, according to a Chronicle survey of college leaders, hiring managers, and administrators that was conducted with support from the Huron Consulting

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Vanderbilt Law to launch legal journal focused on social justice

July 14, 2022

THE JOURNAL OF BLACKS IN HIGHER EDUCATION — Vanderbilt Law School will launch a new, student-edited legal journal, the Social Justice Reporter, in 2022-23. The new journal will publish scholarship focusing on social justice, civil rights, and public interest lawyering by leading researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and law students.

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Columbia University to opt out of US News rankings next year

July 14, 2022

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Columbia University provost Mary Boyce announced Thursday that the university would not submit any data for the next rankings of U.S. News & World Report.

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Opinion: Analyzing the true cost of college

July 14, 2022

THE HILL — High school and college graduation ceremonies across the country have wrapped up, and a new generation of students is preparing to begin their higher education. Or perhaps not. A recent report from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center shows 662,000 fewer students enrolled in undergraduate programs in spring 2022 than a year

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Number of undergraduates receiving college degrees increased last year

July 14, 2022

FORBES — The number of undergraduates earning a college credential increased in academic year 2020–21, according to a new report by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center (NSCRC).

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CSU-Long Beach starts innovative mental health program for students and faculty

July 14, 2022

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Cal State Long Beach is launching an ambitious series of mental health initiatives that pair students and administrators with practitioners and community members to make resources more accessible.

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Opinion: How college admissions could evolve in the coming years

July 14, 2022

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Jim Jump considers the problems and potential solutions facing higher education admissions.

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New Title IX proposal would add protections for pregnant students

July 14, 2022

INSIDE HIGHER ED — The Biden administration’s attempt to advance protections against sex-based discrimination and harassment on college campuses through a Title IX proposal came just 24 hours before the Supreme Court struck down the constitutional right to abortion.

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Proposed Title IX regulations cause concerns over due process

July 14, 2022

INSIDE HIGHER ED — The long-awaited proposals for new Title IX regulations under the Biden administration were released last week, to mixed reactions. The proposals include changes to the way colleges investigate sexual assault, which has sparked concern and condemnation from civil liberties advocates.

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Campus food pantries aid students experiencing food insecurity

July 14, 2022

THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION — In a push to support students’ basic needs, the University of California system has added a food pantry to each of its 10 campuses — and students who use them regularly are improving their well-being, according to a new study.

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