Opinion: Law schools should move away from merit-based scholarships in favor of need-based scholarships

April 18, 2023

THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION — Higher education is facing a pivotal moment as leaders reckon with U.S. News & World Report’s rankings and the outsized role they play in setting the agenda. One of the most problematic impacts of U.S. News’s rankings is the effect its methodology has on low-income students, who need financial aid to

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Survey finds Americans have less confidence in the value of a college education

April 13, 2023

WALL STREET JOURNAL — A majority of Americans don’t think a college degree is worth the cost, according to a new Wall Street Journal-NOC poll, a new low in confidence in what has long been a hallmark of the American dream.  

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Two thirds of student loan debt is owed by women

April 13, 2023

USA TODAY — Americans now hold $1.7 trillion in student loan debt. Nearly two-thirds of that money – at least $929 billion – is owed by women. As borrowers await the Supreme Court’s decision on a plan to provide mass student debt forgiveness, USA TODAY examined what’s behind the gender imbalances in the amount that borrowers take out and in their ability

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Universities struggle with diversity policies following legal threats to academic freedom

April 13, 2023

MIAMI HERALD — In July 2020, the president of Texas A&M University appointed a 45-member commission to examine the progress of diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at the nearly 70,000-student flagship campus in College Station. The panel’s report, released in January 2021, found both strengths and weaknesses in the school’s approach. But overall, said the

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College faculty voice concerns over using AI-detection software to uncover cheating

April 13, 2023

INSIDE HIGHER ED — When Turnitin was launched in 1998, the early ed-tech start-up promised a solution to one of the most pressing threats to academic integrity in the nascent internet era: easy plagiarism from online sources. Twenty-five years later, the question on every classroom instructor’s lips has shifted from “how do I know if my student is copying

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Student workers at Syracuse University unionize

April 13, 2023

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Syracuse University graduate student workers have successfully unionized. Syracuse Graduate Employees United, affiliated with the Service Employees International Union, said in a news release that the vote was 728 to 36, with 90 contested ballots. The union will represent graduate assistants, research assistants and teaching assistants paid via stipends, said Amanda

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University officials address growing antisemitic actions on campuses

April 3, 2023

HIGHER ED DIVE — University of Denver officials launched an investigation last month into reports of antisemitic vandalism, in one of the latest examples of what is considered a growing number of cases involving antisemitism on college campuses. According to news reports, pork products, which are prohibited for those who follow kosher dietary laws, were allegedly glued to

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Study finds that 1 in 4 students ruled out a university because of the state’s political climate

April 3, 2023

UNIVERSITY BUSINESS — With every passing day, it seems like our politicians and leaders are drawing deeper allegiances to their party. Now, it looks like students are, too. A new report uncovered that one out of four college-eligible students are crossing off schools they were previously considering based on the state’s political climate.

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Some colleges eliminate freshman grades to help students acclimate to higher education

April 3, 2023

NPR — Some of the momentum behind un-grading is in response to growing concerns about student mental health. The number of college students with one or more mental health problems has doubled since 2013, according to a study by researchers at Boston University and elsewhere. Teenagers said that the pressure to get good grades wastheir biggest

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University of Missouri eliminates diversity statements from their job postings

April 3, 2023

ST. LOUIS PUBLIC RADIO — The University of Missouri System has eliminated the use of diversity and inclusion statements in hiring. University of Missouri President Mun Choi said in an email Monday that university officials regularly review hiring and recruitment practices for new faculty and staff to ensure university’s practices align with its mission and

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