Undocumented students in California argue for campus employment rights

May 25, 2023

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Undocumented students in California, backed by prominent legal scholars, are advocating for the University of California system to allow them to work on its various campuses. After a months-long campaign, the system’s Board of Regents is scheduled to review the students’ proposal on Thursday, EdSource reported. Hundreds of undocumented students and their advocates plan to

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Law school deans propose compromise on ABA section proposal to make law schools test-optional

May 17, 2023

REUTERS —  Deans from more than half the nation’s law schools are working to salvage a longstanding rule that requires schools to use the Law School Admission Test or other standardized tests when admitting students. Instead of letting law schools go fully test-optional as planned, the deans want the American Bar Association’s Section of Legal Education and

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How funding issues for the US Department of Education could affect student loan repayments

May 15, 2023

THE WASHINGTON POST — After Congress refused to give more money to the federal student aid office last year, higher education experts warned of potential disruption to efforts by the Biden administration and lawmakers aiming to help student loan borrowers and others paying for college. Now experts say those worries are coming to pass.

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This year’s college graduates enter job market with excellent technology proficiency

May 15, 2023

HIGHER ED DIVE — The class of 2023 is headed to the job market brimming with tech skills — and ambition. More than 4 in 5 college graduates majoring in non-tech fields possess one or more technology proficiencies, such as data analytics capabilities and IT systems knowledge, according to a new Handshake report.

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How higher interest rates for federal loans could affect students

May 15, 2023

USA TODAY — College students who plan to take out federal loans to cover their 2023-24 academic year will see those rates edge higher on July 1. The Federal Reserve boosted short-term interest rates on May 3, the 10th time since the Fed began fighting inflation with rate hikes back in March 2022.

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Survey finds that cost is the biggest barrier to college enrollment

May 8, 2023

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Despite declining enrollment at many U.S. higher ed institutions, nearly three-fourths of all adults say a college degree is as important as (35 percent) or more important (39 percent) than it was 20 years ago, according to a new report from Gallup and the Lumina Foundation. Twenty-six percent said they thought it was less important.

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How some colleges aim to make the transfer from community college easily

May 8, 2023

THE HECHINGER REPORT — Every year, hundreds of thousands of students start at community colleges hoping to transfer to a university later. It’s advertised as a cheaper path to a bachelor’s degree, an education hack in a world of ever-rising tuition costs. Yet the reality is rarely that simple. For some students, the transfer process becomes

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Survey finds that 2 in 5 college students considered dropping out in the past 6 months

May 8, 2023

HIGHER ED DIVE — College enrollment has been under pressure for years, as some institutions grapple with fewer high school graduates and students opting to go directly into the workforce. The pandemic ratcheted up those difficulties, challenging recruitment and stressing colleges’ bottom lines. The Gallup and Lumina Foundation research sheds light on the stressors that are

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Podcast: Incarcerated people regain access to federal Pell Grants to pay for college courses

May 8, 2023

WBUR — For nearly three decades, incarcerated people have not been able to access federal Pell Grants to pay for college courses offered in prison. That will change this summer.

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Opinion: Is it worth it to enforce ChatGPT bans in college writing?

May 2, 2023

INSIDE HIGHER ED — The sun descends and I’m still not through grading papers, because they take twice as long now that my students have learned about ChatGPT. First, I put all the papers through GPTZero, but there are too many false positives, so I take the flagged text and try to reverse engineer it

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