Colleges amend code of conduct policies around COVID-19 precautions

July 23, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Colleges are implementing social contracts or making addenda to code of conduct policies requiring students to abide by social distancing guidelines this fall. Some institutions have said they will remove students from campus for noncompliance.

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Higher education lobbyists concerned COVID-19 aid to colleges will be politicized

July 23, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — The Trump administration has stopped short of saying it wants to withhold funding from colleges and universities that do not reopen for the fall term, as President Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos have threatened with K-12 schools. But some higher education lobbyists are concerned the administration’s push to get students back

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Opinion: What colleges need to consider with campus reopening

July 23, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — By mid-June, the overwhelming majority of colleges and universities in the United States had announced that they planned to have their students return to campus for the fall semester. But college presidents, boards of trustees and legal teams continue to analyze, measure and wrestle with the dozens of variables that could impact

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Colleges concerned about ability to ability to enforce safety measures on campus this fall

July 23, 2020

EDUCATION DIVE — Purdue University’s plan to reopen this fall expects all community members to socially distance on and off campus. But more than 90% of staff, faculty, postdocs and graduate students think undergraduates won’t do it.

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Survey details what college campuses may look like this this fall

July 23, 2020

EAB — As college and university leaders look to repopulate their campuses this fall, physical distancing protocols (including use of face masks, maintaining six feet of distance from others, and limits on large gatherings) will be crucial to keeping campus safe. While achieving perfect adherence to physical distancing on a college campus is unrealistic, institutions need

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Survey: Students report higher rates of depression amid pandemic

July 23, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — A new survey found students had difficulty accessing mental health care and experienced higher rates of depression after the pandemic began, prompting calls for a broad response from colleges.

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Survey: Vaccine skepticism among college students could impact future of COVID-19

July 23, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — Polls are raising questions about whether all college-aged adults will choose to get a coronavirus vaccine when one is available. When Dr. Anthony Fauci was asked at a Senate hearing in May what it would take for students to feel comfortable going back to campuses during the coronavirus pandemic, he said ultimately what

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A look at virtual classroom platforms

July 23, 2020

INSIDE HIGHER ED — The outlook for the fall remains a bit fat mess — that’s the technical term. Almost every college or university has laid out a plan (for now), in most cases involving a mix of in-person, online and hybrid instruction. Even if a changing COVID-19 landscape doesn’t force a pivot in those best-laid

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Podcast: Tips for starting law school during the pandemic

July 23, 2020

LAW SCHOOL TOOLBOX — Today, we’re unpacking some of the “standard” topics when it comes to getting ready to start law school, and we’ll also look at how the coronavirus is affecting incoming students’ plans this year.

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Husch Blackwell firm plans permanent remote working options for some lawyers

July 23, 2020

BLOOMBERG LAW — Big Law has worked remotely for about four months, and there’s no clear end in sight at many firms. How do you plan a return to the office when more Covid-19 cases are being diagnosed in the U.S. than when the switch was made to working from home offices, kitchens, and basements? Husch

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