Law schools that have announced they will be fully remote this fall

August 4, 2020

Spivey Consulting (By Mike Spivey) — The author shares a list of law schools that plan to hold classes entirely online this fall.

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Illinois Provides Temporary Practice License For New Law School Graduates

August 4, 2020

TaxProf Blog (By Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares the announcement from the Illinois Supreme Court.

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California Law School Deans Report On July 2 Meeting With State Supreme Court And Bar

August 4, 2020

TaxProf Blog (By Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares a letter detailing the meeting between California law school deans, the State Supreme Court, and Bar leadership discussing alternatives to the bar exam to allow new graduates to practice in the state.

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COVID-19 and state bar licensing

August 4, 2020

PrawfsBlawg (By Dan Rodriguez) — Professor Rodriguez (Northwestern Law) outlines the concerns of law graduates taking in-person bar exams.

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Nonsense and sensibility: hybrid is not the answer

August 4, 2020

PrawfsBlawg (By Dan Rodriguez) — Professor Rodriguez (Northwestern Law) discusses the complications and disadvantages of a “hybrid approach” to classes this fall. He argues that law schools should commit resources to providing a quality online experience instead.

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A New Series of Posts on Remote & Physically Distanced Teaching – Preparing for the Fall and Famous Last Words

August 4, 2020

PrawfsBlawg (By Jessica Erickson) — Professor Erickson (Richmond Law) announces a new series of blog posts featuring advice and tips for faculty on online teaching.

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Preparing for Fall Teaching – Five Steps to Designing a Physically Distanced/Hybrid/Remote Course

August 4, 2020

PrawfsBlawg (By Jessica Erickson) — Professor Erickson (Richmond Law) presents the latest post in her series on online teaching.

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Florida And Massachusetts Switch From On-Ground To Online Bar Exams

August 4, 2020

TaxProf Blog (By Paul Caron) — Dean Caron (Pepperdine Law) shares updates on the bar exam for Florida and Massachusetts.  

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Life versus Licensure…

August 4, 2020

Law School Academic Support Blog (By Steven Foster) — Steven Foster (Oklahoma City Law) explains the risk of administering the July bar exam in-person as well as the consequences of postponing the exam. He argues in favor of licensure alternatives that accommodate the concerns of the bar, but also allow law graduates to enter practice

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Supreme Court of Texas Divides Over July and September Administrations of the Texas Bar

August 4, 2020

The Volokh Conspiracy (By Josh Blackman) — Professor Blackman (South Texas College of Law) analyzes the Supreme Court of Texas’ decision on the July and September bar exams.

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